With 13 months of Crime Boss statistics behind The Dallas Express, it seems as good a time as any to identify some of the more alarming crime trends within Dallas city limits.

As previously reported in The Dallas Express, the city has seen its share of robberies increase, both of individuals and businesses. Seven out of the past 11 months of 2022 have seen hikes over 2021, with the most significant increases in April, May, and June, according to the Dallas Police Department’s violent crime dashboard.

As of December 4, robberies year-to-date tallied 2,325, which is 13 more than in the same period last year, per a DPD crime briefing.

Every city council district, with one notable exception (D12), had clocked more than 110 robberies as of Sunday, December 4, according to the City of Dallas Open Data dashboard. However, three districts logged more than double that.

District 2, home of reigning Crime Boss Jesse Moreno, had the most robberies year-to-date, 264, followed by District 6 at 260 and District 7 at 254.


A particular property crime has also been trending upward in the past year: “Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories” (TMVP).

As of December 4, the City of Dallas registered 6,329 TMVPs, an excess of 1,000 incidents over last year, according to the City of Dallas Open Data dashboard.

One of the main drivers of this increase is the growing trend of catalytic converter thefts, which have skyrocketed across the country in recent years, particularly in California and Texas, as previously reported in The Dallas Express.

Catalytic converters are exhaust emission control devices that reduce the pollution expelled by tailpipes. They are required on all new vehicles sold in the United States and can be hawked for over $1,000 on the black market.

Leading the city in TMVPs is District 6, home of City Councilman Omar Narvaez, with 970 reported incidents. The second-greatest number of TMVPs occurred in Jesse Moreno’s District 2. The district clocked 894 thefts. Districts 11 and 14 also had significant reported incidents, clocking 771 and 842 year-to-date, respectively.

Although District 6 appears to be a top location for both robberies and TMVPs, Narvaez has yet to be named Crime Boss of the Month. It is unclear whether he will get enough of a share of November’s crime statistics to claim the title for December.

The Dallas Express, The People’s Paper, believes that important information about the city, such as crime rates and trends, should be easily accessible to you. Dallas has more crime per capita than hotspots like Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and New York, according to data from the FBI’s UCR database.

How did your area stack up on crime? Check out our interactive Crime Map to compare all Dallas City Council Districts. Curious how we got our numbers? Check out our methodology page here.