No matter what the temperature in Texas—and it sure does seem close to that of the earth’s core this week—our freedom to work, to move, and to enjoy the liberty of the summer months feels like a cool autumn day compared to life during the COVID lockdowns.

None of us, especially not our children, will forget those years. Schools and churches were closed, most businesses shuttered, masks were mandated. Some people—mysteriously—got very rich during this time; most Texans took a severe economic hit from which they have not recovered.

The government, both state and federal, mismanaged COVID to an irresponsible degree. The overreaction, in retrospect, was astounding. Our kids are in some cases irreparably behind in learning and our economy is shaken. All of this is made harder when we remember those photos of Gavin Newsom and his wealthy friends dining carefree without masks, Nancy Pelosi ducking in for a hair appointment (when small business was supposed to be closed), and life continuing in grand fashion for those with means.

Even though U.S. government agencies are not yet acknowledging the definitiveness of the origins of the virus, it seems current information shows the virus to be man-made.

And I haven’t even begun to discuss the vaccine.

This disjunction is too much to bear, which is why, I suspect, COVID talk is suppressed. When the country is shut down for two years one expects a transparent post-mortem. Two questions must be addressed: first, was the virus man-made; second, if so, who released it?

The latter question will, over time, reveal itself, no matter how hard the government tries to make us forget. The former, however, we can begin to tackle now. As it turns out, a few days ago, a declassified report from the United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence revealed that government agencies are split (yes, you read that right) on the origins of the COVID virus.

The two theories are that this came from A) An innocuous animal market or B) the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This is not an exactly brain-busting multiple-choice exam. But the correct answer has serious implications. If COVID came from a lab, specifically a Chinese lab, the world can start to discuss accountability. But like the NBA, Apple, and Hollywood, holding the Chinese accountable is, in the eyes of the Biden Administration, bad for business.

And I’m not just being sarcastic. Senators Josh Hawley (Missouri) and Mike Braun (Indiana) also sense something is amiss, and yesterday began officially pressing Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to “declassify any and all information’ relating to links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin of COVID-19.”

What was recently declassified, the Senators correctly describe as “paltry” and “half-baked.” They further noted that “The Biden administration, including the [Office of the Director of National Intelligence], has exhibited a concerning level of deference towards China, including obfuscating the extent of China’s intelligence cooperation with Cuba and downplaying the seriousness of China’s intelligence collection over U.S. airspace.”

Director Haines had until June 18th to declassify the report. She missed the deadline and turned in her assignment only on the 23rd. She now has seven days to produce a report with greater transparency. If she fails to comply, Congressional hearings are likely the next step.

Texans should never forget what they endured, and we should press our state and federal officials for answers until we are satisfied. This means an unredacted report and hearings. And not just for Director Haines, but for every single person that went along with the greatest overreach in governmental authority in our history.

Unfortunately, the U.S. government has lost credibility in being truthful on this issue. It is logical to assume there is a much deeper reason Dr. Haines and others in conjunction with the media are slow playing or refusing to release information.