A seasoned attorney with Texas ties who was once one of the youngest federal prosecutors in the country is likely one of the unnamed co-conspirators in the Justice Department’s most recent indictment of former President Donald Trump.

Sidney Powell — the attorney who filed a lawsuit against the governor of Georgia to force the state to contest the results of the election — appears to be “Co-Conspirator 3” described in the indictment.

As The Dallas Express reported, the Jan.6-related indictment alleges Trump “did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with co-conspirators, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to defraud the United States by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful federal government by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted, and certified by the federal government.”

Though not identified by name, the indictment against Trump provides details about six co-conspirators, allowing observers to make an educated guess as to the identities of at least five of them.

The indictment describes “Co-Conspirator 3” as an attorney who filed a lawsuit on November 25, 2020, against the Governor of Georgia “falsely alleging ‘massive election fraud’ accomplished through the voting machine company’s election software and hardware,” and which was dismissed on December 7. The dates match up with Powell’s lawsuit in Georgia alleging election fraud, as reported by The Texas Tribune.

Another indicator pointing to Powell is the allegation that although Trump publicly touted this particular co-conspirator’s theories in public, privately, he called them “crazy.” Rolling Stone reported that Trump repeatedly called Powell and her theories “crazy” in an article predating the indictment.

Powell also filed lawsuits alleging election violations in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The Michigan case was dismissed but ultimately led to sanctions against Powell and other attorneys who brought the suit against the state.

Prior to achieving notoriety for alleging widespread voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Elections, Powell served in the U.S. attorney’s office in San Antonio. After her time as an assistant U.S. attorney, Powell went into private practice representing high-profile clients, including former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and executives involved in the Enron scandal.

Powell has also written several books about corruption in the government, including Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice. She served as an executive producer for the 2013 film Decoding Annie Parker about the discovery of the BRCA1 breast cancer gene.

The State Bar of Texas has sought disciplinary action against Powell for allegedly presenting false statements and evidence in her court challenges of the presidential election results. Although the judge dismissed the initial case, the bar has asked the Fifth Circuit Court in Dallas to reinstate the lawsuit, as reported by The Texas Tribune.

The Dallas Express reached out to Sidney Powell for comment but did not receive a reply.