A Dallas-Fort Worth-based social media influencer is being sued by the State of Texas over a fitness plan scheme that allegedly violated customer protection laws. The state also claims that the scam misled followers with eating disorders who bought into it.

According to the lawsuit filed February 1 in Dallas County court, Brittany Dawn Davis sold online fitness packages through her business, Brittany Dawn Fitness LLC, beginning in 2014. Per the lawsuit, the plans were not individualized as advertised, and Davis did not provide the coaching and check-ins promised to purchasers of the program.

The lawsuit touches on the experiences of people who bought into Davis’ fitness plan. One of them allegedly “almost passed out from inadequate nutrition” in the course of following the nutritional plan.

Davis allegedly claimed to have overcome an eating disorder with nutrition and exercise, leading people to believe they could do the same by following her methods. She then gave weight loss plans to clients who needed weight gain plans, the suit states.

The suit also alleges that Davis unlawfully charged shipping fees for goods that were transmitted via email.


As reported by The Dallas Morning News in 2019, customers sought refunds from Davis when her business promises were not fulfilled; however, their requests were ignored, and social media comments left by the unsatisfied customers were deleted.

Angie Bullock told Insider Edition that she bought a bridal diet and fitness plan from Davis in 2015 that was supposed to help her lose weight before her wedding for $92. Bullock said the plan made her feel ill, that she never received any of the weekly checkins or consultations that the plan was supposed to include. Bullock said after she sent multiple emails that went unanswered, she tried to contact Davis on Instagram, where her comments were deleted and she was blocked.

“She preys on women who are insecure and vulnerable and want to lose weight, and she preys on people that have eating disorders, which is pretty disgusting to me,” Bullock told Insider Edition.

In February 2019, Davis posted a video on YouTube apologizing for the situation. In the video, she said “I apologize to anyone who feels like they got scammed from me. I was not only a coach, but also the sole content creator, customer service, business owner, YouTuber, financial advisor, and everything else that comes with every business. I now realize that I should have had more help and this is a lesson that I am now having to learn the hard way, and for that, again, I am sorry.”

Davis also said in the video that customers had harassed and threatened her. She then appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America, where she said she was ready to refund clients who accused her of scamming them with falsely advertised exercise and diet plans.

According to the attorney general’s lawsuit, Davis only offered partial refunds when she eventually responded to clients. She also took down the apology video and other videos posted around the time she appeared on Good Morning America.

Per The DMN, complaints about Davis’ business practices reached the attorney general’s office around March 2019. The office is now seeking $250,000 and $1 million in penalties and court fees.

No comment from Davis on the pending litigation was available as of press time.