Have you ever wondered how Christianity has influenced contemporary science? Do you ever consider what the newest technological discoveries may tell us about the existence of God? At its Fourth Annual Science & Faith Conference, the Discovery Institute aims to answer those questions and more at Denton Bible Church on January 22. 

According to its website, Discovery Institute identifies itself as a public policy think tank. Its mission is to “advance a culture of purpose, creativity and innovation.” Its philosophy attributes that the “mind–not matter–is the source and crown of creation.”

The conference is organized as a morning-through-afternoon event. It will feature speakers Eric Hedin, Stephen C. Meyer, Robert Marks, Ray Bohlin, Brian Miller, Emily Reeves, Daniel Reeves, and Casey Luskin.


Emily Reeves, a biochemist, metabolic nutritionist, and aspiring systems biologist was featured on the ID (Intelligent Design) the Future podcast with Brian Miller to discuss the conference.

Reeves remarked, “Brian’s talk will explain how engineering is uncannily appropriate to understand and explain biology…and the reason it’s uncannily appropriate is that it is likely that biology itself is engineered,” explained Reeves.

Discovery Institute’s Director of Education & Outreach, Daniel Reeves, will hold a special talk for high school students about why it is okay to not agree with your peers on the subjects of science and faith.

“It’s a great talk to inspire courage and think through how you might maintain your position through college,” says Emily.

Conference participants will have opportunities to engage and discover more through breakout discussions, youth-track sessions specifically arranged for junior high and high school students, and book signings with the speakers.

Register via Eventbrite.