Readers have flooded the Dallas Morning News with ‘Letters to the Editor’ in response to the admission by the paper’s public editor, Stephen Buckley, that the outlet is biased against right-leaning readers.
“Wow, Stephen Buckley hit the nail on the head about reporting from The Dallas Morning News. Being a conservative Republican and multi-decade subscriber and a carrier way back in high school, I was on the verge of canceling your paper because of this and rising subscription rates,” Steve Gandy, from Plano, wrote to DMN.
Gandy also wrote that DMN has had a bias against Gov. Greg Abbott.
“Buckley touched on every one of the concerns I had with the reporting that I felt was very slanted toward Democrats and liberals. Your paper’s blatant bias against our governor is just ridiculous,” Gandy added.
Other readers also admitted that DMN has become more liberal and biased.
“Thank you for Buckley’s column regarding sometimes biased reporting in The Dallas Morning News. Acknowledgement of the problem is the first step in solving it. As a 37-year subscriber, I have definitely noticed the increasingly liberal views of the paper,” Rick Pugh, from Coppell, wrote to DMN.
“If The News chooses to reprint these stories without balancing the content, readers have every right to blame the paper for bias,” Pugh added.
As previously reported by The Dallas Express, DMN is being slammed by locals for being biased.
“Rags like The Dallas Morning News seem only able to focus on seeing racism in everything or shoving the debunked notion that there is such thing as ‘trans’ down everyone’s throat. Just look at their subscription numbers. Go woke. Go broke,” said Tarrant County Republican Party Chairman Bo French.
Recent content from DMN, which has been subject to public scrutiny, has ranged from its obsession with drag queens during the COVID-19 pandemic to how Texas tollway authorities are deemed “racist.”
The Dallas Express reached out to DMN publisher Grant Moise but did not receive a response.