In an event that started on Monday afternoon, crowds of QAnon supporters rallied near Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas. The gathering spilled across sidewalks, near a grassy patch where, according to QAnon leaders, John F. Kennedy Jr. will reappear.

Despite JFK Jr.’s death after a plane crash in 1999, supporters believe he will make a statement along with former President Donald Trump. Through social media, QAnon influencers called together supporters to witness the event.

QAnon supporters gathered in Dealey Plaza for a reason. John F. Kennedy was killed nearby the plaza in 1963, a symbolic location for QAnon followers.


The Rolling Stones detailed how supporters believed that around midday in the plaza, JFK Jr. would arrive and announce a presidential run with Donald Trump in 2024. Along with the announcement, QAnon supporters believed that a theory regarding “illegitimate elections” would be proven correct.

The theory, known as “1871,” is based on the DC Organic Act of 1871. The act transformed the District of Columbia into a “municipality,” in order to allow DC to govern locally. The act did not state any intentions to turn the U.S. government into a corporation, as some may believe.

Although the act is relatively benign, QAnon leaders preached this as a “loophole” towards Trump’s reinstallation into office.

According to an interview conducted by the Independent, QAnon followers hoped that Trump and JFK Jr. would run together and that JFK Jr. could become president if Trump stepped down. A viral video spread like wildfire throughout the QAnon community, showing a man people believe is a resurrected JFK Jr.

The basis of the QAnon belief is centered around how former president Donald Trump should still be in office, and that the 2021 election was fraudulent. QAnon influencers promote Trump and JFK Jr. as the “king of kings,” engaged in conflict against “Hollywood pedophiles” and the current president.