A video posted to Instagram on Monday showed a severely damaged car with Texas plates stopped on a highway where a stray tire allegedly struck the vehicle, injuring the driver.

The man who posted the video under the username @shaqmfknmack claimed he and another individual named Josh helped the injured man to safety.

The poster said that while he was driving in traffic, he saw a falling object that bounced up “at least 200ft (if not higher) at a super fast speed” before striking a vehicle “maybe 6 car lengths ahead” of his own vehicle.


In the video, the social media user assessed the wrecked car, trying to make sense of the incredible scene he had just witnessed.

“I mean, I’m still trying to figure out where that tire came from,” he said.

“The car in front of us had swerved to the fast lane and then came to a complete stop! I pulled in front of him, then backed up towards him. I got out and ran to the guy’s car then opened his door to find him bloody, dazed, and confused!” an accompanying Instagram post reads.

The man recording the video called the police, and he and Josh waited with the injured driver until the paramedics arrived.

Incredibly, the source of the tire remains a mystery. Given the height of the bounce and the damage to the vehicle, the poster speculated it may have even dropped from an aircraft in a “Final Destination” type of situation, referring to the popular horror franchise that has fictionalized accidents of this nature.