In the wake of 3-year-old Lina Sardar Khil‘s disappearance, information that may help the police has emerged: a photo from the day she went missing.
The family’s representative, Pamela Allen, shared the clue with KENS 5.
Khil is described as having brown eyes and brown hair. She was last seen wearing a black jacket, a red dress, and black shoes, and in the photo, she is shown with plastic blue and gold bracelets on her wrist. She also wore what is known as a ‘taweez’ around her neck that displayed Quran verses.
On December 20, between 4:30 p.m. and 5:10 p.m., Lina vanished from a playground at the Villa Del Cabo apartment complex at the 9400 block of Fredericksburg Road in San Antonio, where she lived.
Although the Amber Alert that the San Antonio Police Department initially issued has been called off, the FBI and SAPD continue the hunt. Police are searching all areas in an effort not to miss any leads.
Previously, an FBI dive team explored a creek near the apartments. In a statement, a spokesperson with the San Antonio Police Department said that the “dive effort concluded without any conclusive findings.”
Dottie Laster, the founder of the organization Trafficking Victim Rescue Central, said, “As time goes on, this case gets worse, not better. As a community, we don’t know where this little girl is, but we are never going to stop asking.”
She hopes the police chief, William McManus, will change the status of the case and handle it as an abduction.
Laster said, “I hear the chief saying we are not looking at her as a criminal investigation yet. I appreciate that. However, the fact she hasn’t been found would lead me to believe that it needs to be looked at as a criminal investigation. Almost the proof of not finding her is proof that something has gone wrong.”
The soon-to-be 4-year-old’s father, Riaz Sardar Khil, said he originally thought the child was with another Afghan family in the area, but now suspects she was abducted.