Strange incidents have occurred in Dallas recently, according to Nextdoor, a social networking app that connects people to others within their neighborhood.

Nextdoor is a resource where residents of the same community can welcome newcomers, ask for tips and recommendations, buy and sell items, and share local happenings. However, some of the happenings shared by residents of neighborhoods in Dallas recently have been less than ideal, with users reporting suspicious or illegal activity.

On February 27, user JD Martinez posted a video of someone flying a drone near their home and illegally taking photos.

“A white overweight gentleman parked in front of my house today and was illegally taking pictures and drone footage of my property!” said the resident. “In the process of filing a police report, has anyone else encounter (sic) this individual?”

The man was described as a white male wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and khaki shorts. In the video, the man apparently stands in front of the home with the drone for several minutes before eventually driving off in a gray SUV.

Many other users expressed their experiences in the comments and offered advice.

“I thought it was illegal to fly drones into private property without owner’s permission,” said user GiGi Rodriguez. “[T]here are laws and regulations according to my friends that have drones.”

User John Hill replied, “Welcome to the 21st century from big brother.”

Martinez lives in Victory Gardens, a neighborhood in Dallas which describes as having cozy homes that are very reasonably priced.

Another user shared that their sister was allegedly attacked by a man in Uptown Dallas on March 8.

“Around 6:10 PM today, my sister was attacked on Worthington between Thomas and State,” said Kari Deters. “She was passing a man with headphones in, so she did not hear what he said to her, but he yelled and then hit her in the back of the head and knocked her to the ground.”

Deters warned other residents of the area to be careful and encouraged anyone who may have caught the assault on camera to contact her.

The man was described as a black male of average build, approximately 5’8″ tall, wearing a hoodie with sweatpants.

Users in the comments sympathized with her sister and hoped she was okay.

“That’s awful. Hopefully she was able to file a police report. I’m sure she was really shook (sic) up and I hope she’s doing okay,” said Karen Clem. “I walk in that area. I will be more aware and remember to bring my pepper spray. I get really relaxed on this at times. Thank you for posting this and I wish your sister the best. I’m sorry this happened to her tonight. I hope you are able to catch the person.”

Haley Southey, another resident who walks in the area, said, “This is so scary! We walk there almost every day. Glad she is okay, but I’m sure shooken (sic) up!”

No further information is known regarding an investigation of either incident.