Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced City Council committee assignments for the next term and outlined his policy priorities.

“Over the last two years, we have united as a City Council to address the basic needs of the people of Dallas and plan for our city’s future,” the mayor explained in a memo to City Council members provided to The Dallas Express.It is because of this unity that we have been able to achieve such remarkable gains for our city’s residents.”

“To create an environment where our residents and businesses can continue to thrive, we must continue to work tirelessly to address our city’s needs and lead Dallas further down the path toward becoming the safest major city in the United States with the best park system in Texas and the lowest tax rate in the North Texas region,” Johnson said. “The important work required to achieve these ambitious goals will be done primarily through our City Council committees.”

There is some continuity between the new committee assignments and those of the previous council term.

Council Member Tennell Atkins (District 8) will stay on as chair of the Economic Development Committee, but Council Member Omar Narvaez (District 6) will be taking over the vice chair position from Council Member Carolyn King Arnold (District 4). Arnold will still keep a seat on the committee.

Newcomer Council Member Kathy Stewart (District 10) will join Arnold as well as Council Members Adam Bazaldua (District 7), Paul Ridley (District 14), and Chad West (District 1) on the committee.

Johnson explained that the committee’s policy priority will be to “[p]artner with the Mayor’s Working Group on Downtown Revitalization to provide oversight over the redevelopment of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.”

Council Member Jesse Moreno (District 2) will become chair of the Housing & Homelessness Solutions Committee, having previously acted as vice chair. Council Member Cara Mendelsohn (District 12) will become vice chair.


Freshman Council Member Zarin Gracey (District 3) will also sit on the committee, along with Council Member Gay Donnell Willis (District 13) and West. Council Members Paula Blackmon (District 9) and Jaynie Schultz (District 11) were not reappointed to the committee, nor was Ridley.

The committee members will “[e]valuate the report produced by the Mayor’s Task Force on Homelessness, Organizations, Policies, and Encampments and recommend ways to enhance coordination between the City of Dallas and [its] non-profit, county, state, and federal partners to reduce homelessness in Dallas.”

Mendelsohn will be taking over as chair of the Public Safety Committee. The position was previously held by former Council Member Adam McGough, who was termed out. His successor in District 10, Stewart, will assume the position of vice chair. Atkins, Moreno, and Willis will also sit on the committee.

Johnson directed the committee to “[e]xamine policies and procedures that will lead us closer to our goal of becoming the safest major city in the United States, including identifying strategies to retain our police officers and to achieve a success rate in hiring the number of new police officers budgeted for to the levels we regularly achieved prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, the Dallas Police Department has been severely understaffed in recent years, maintaining a force of around 3,100 police officers. A City analysis advises that Dallas needs about three officers for every 1,000 residents, putting ideal staffing levels at roughly 4,000.

Narvaez will continue to serve as chair of the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, but Gracey will take over as vice chair for Atkins, who will still be on the committee.

The Government Performance & Financial Management Committee will be undergoing changes in its two top spots, with West assuming the role of chair and Blackmon becoming vice chair. Mendelsohn, who previously chaired the committee, will remain on the committee. However, Willis, the previous vice chair, will be stepping down.

The old Environment & Sustainability Committee will be rolled into a new “Parks, Trails, and the Environment” committee, which Stewart will chair with Moreno as vice chair.

Stewart will be tasked with leading “Dallas further down the path toward becoming the major city with the best park system in Texas.”

Bazaldua is keeping his spot as chair of the Quality of Life, Arts, & Culture Committee, while Council Member Jaime Resendez (District 5) will take over the vice chair spot previously held by West.

Similarly, Schultz will remain chair of the Workforce, Education, & Equity Committee while Arnold steps into the vice chair position that termed-out former Council Member Casey Thomas previously held.

Ad hoc committees will be formed to deal with administrative affairs, general investigating and ethics, judicial nominations, legislative affairs, pensions, and professional sports recruitment and retention.

“I encourage committee chairs to work closely with my office to ensure progress, address issues as they arise, and adapt as appropriate to the ever-evolving needs of our city’s residents,” Mayor Johnson said.

He concluded, “I look forward to working with you all through these committees to better position Dallas to reach its full potential.”