Some residents in the once-prosperous Cedar Crest neighborhood in South Dallas now live in a neglected complex that is under investigation by the City due to what officials called “life safety issues.”
Frances Place Apartments is a multi-family complex painted a light sky blue color; grey shingles cover the dilapidated buildings.
The condition of the low-income apartment complex has deteriorated: there has been at least one fire, and property code violations have not been heeded.
Many of the units are vacant, boarded up with plywood.
According to Jennifer Brown, City of Dallas spokesperson, the City’s attorney knows about the state of the apartment complex.
“The City attorney’s office is aware that life safety issues exist on the property that violate the minimum property standards,” said Brown speaking with The Dallas Express.
The City was first made aware of the conditions of the complex in April 2022, when Dallas Fire-Rescue responded to a fire in a unit.
Brown said code compliance inspected the property to address the fire damage. Upon completion of the inspection, code compliance officials notified the building owner that outstanding violations of the City’s minimum property standards had been discovered. They requested that the owner make repairs.
“Officers have inspected several times since April 2022, noting minimal progress to address the violations,” Brown added. “As a result, it is clear that escalated enforcement is necessary to ensure that this property owner takes seriously her obligation to provide tenants a safe and healthy place to live.”
Brown told The Dallas Express that the City attorney’s office and inspectors from code compliance, Dallas Fire-Rescue, and the Dallas Police Department would pursue enforcement until the property complies with city code.
A property records search reveals that JDA Community Investments LLC owns the property.
The Dallas Express reached out to the Frances Place Apartments for comment, but none was provided. The Dallas Express also attempted to contact JDA Community Investments LLC without success.