Local businesswoman and former county judge candidate Lauren Davis has announced her bid for chair of the Dallas County Republican Party.

Davis, co-founder of the multistate luxury barbershop company The Gents Place, recently ran against Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, as reported by The Dallas Express.

“I have decided to run for Dallas County Chair to help rebuild our County Party. Since entering politics in 2021, I have focused my efforts on bringing new leadership and change to the local level,” Davis explained in a press release. “The Dallas County Republican Party is the bedrock of local Republican politics. For Republicans to win again in Dallas, we must elect new leadership.”

“Dallas County Republicans have a strong desire to win but are constrained by the current Chair’s lack of experience in recruiting talent, creating successful systems, and building winning teams,” she claimed.

“Too many candidates, precinct chairs, and volunteers are disheartened at the lack of support – I was even intimidated when deciding to run for office in 2021 and nearly prevented from doing so by current party leadership,” Davis continued.


“To win again, we need someone who is willing to roll up their sleeves and has a strategic plan to rebuild our party from the ground up. I am that candidate,” she concluded.

On her campaign website, Davis noted that she plans to:

  1. Grow the Party
  2. Recruit & Support High-Quality Candidates
  3. Be the Top GOP Fundraiser in Texas
  4. Be the Standard of Excellence in Elections

Davis will be challenging the current Dallas County GOP chairwoman Jennifer Stoddard-Hajdu, who took the position in 2021.

Stoddard-Hajdu told The Dallas Express, “I have heard that Ms. Davis is running again, this time for my office. Interestingly, shortly after her announcement, there was a rumor out there that I was not running.”

“But I am proud to announce that I am running to continue the remarkable progress that we have accomplished in the last eighteen months,” she continued. “In addition to raising critical funds to stabilize and grow our Party, we have recruited and trained over 1,300 election judges, alternate judges, and clerks, along with over 500 poll watchers.”

“We had 98% coverage in 2022 — the highest of any county in Texas — and we will have 100% in 2024. Election integrity has been one of my seminal issues. I secured pre-numbered sequential paper ballots in Dallas County, and I have argued strenuously for the end of county-wide voting and the use of any machine that has any kind of internet connectivity,” Stoddard-Hajdu highlighted to The Dallas Express.

“I have worked with renowned election integrity experts around the state, and I have testified in Austin and continue to work with legislators and donors to secure our elections,” she said. “The Dallas County Party has purchased data and organized a data and analytics committee to begin a county-wide texting and email campaign to Get Out the Vote!”

“These are just a few of the many things we have accomplished in less than two years, and we are just getting started,” she added, providing an itemized list of party accomplishments under her tenure.

“My experience, legal background, professionalism and integrity distinguish me from my opponent,” the chairwoman concluded. “I am confident that with another term, the Party will continue to grow stronger and thrive under my leadership.”