A beloved canine that has been a part of the Dallas police workforce for the last seven years completed his final shift on Wednesday.

Marcos, a Dallas Police K-9, is retiring due to a terminal cancer diagnosis. His spleen contains several tumors that have been deemed inoperable.

The canine spent his time serving at the Dallas Love Field Airport, sniffing out suitcases for explosives alongside his partner and handler, Senior Cpl. Carrol Clore.


Together, the partners completed one final lap of Dallas Love Field Airport. Marco bid farewell to all of his friends from Southwest Airlines, TSA, and the airport.

Marco will take on the role of Clore family pet for the remainder of his life. Although there is no indication of how long Marco will live, Clore promises his family will spoil him while he is still alive.

“He’s been a phenomenal dog, phenomenal partners, and he’s going to be a phenomenal pet,” said Clore to WFAA.

Since Marco was a puppy, Clore has spent every minute of every day with him, making the last shift more difficult.

“The saying that if you can find a job that you love, you never work a day in your life. That’s him [Marcos],” said Clore.

He added that since learning of Marcos’ diagnosis, he wanted the dog to have “the best quality of life he can,” which is ultimately why the decision was made for Marcos to retire.