Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson recently announced that the city can do more than just sending money to India to help others in the world during a time of need.

The Dallas Foundation has partnered with Johnson and Dallas-based Nextt CEO Arun Agarwal to collect donations for Jaipur.

“Dallas has the most generous people and the most vibrant philanthropic community and soon the world will know it! Our goal: To be recognized on the global stage as the most generous city in the world,” Mayor Johnson said.

The move to lend out a helping hand comes after India was devastated by COVID-19 deaths recently. Hundreds of corpses are floating down the river or in the sand in the banks. Traditional beliefs, poverty and a pandemic are what some experts feel are killing people in record numbers.

On May 10, 71 corpses were discovered washed up on the river bank in Bihar’s Chausa village that is located near the state border.

Autopsies were performed on most of the bodies and DNA samples were taken. Most bodies were buried in pits near the river.

Johnson and Agarwal held a virtual meeting with Rajasthan Health Minister Raghu Sharma on May 15 to talk about the situation in India and what could be done to help.

“Being raised in Jaipur, this is personal to me and I will use all resources possible to help Jaipur and India,” Agarwal told Outlook India.

India is currently the world’s biggest COVID-19 spot.

With a devastating second wave taking over the country of around a billion people, the death toll as of May 18 stood at 275,000 deaths, but experts believe the figure could be higher.

WBAP/KLIF reported that Johnson announced the city’s intentions to assist other parts of the world hard-hit by COVID-19.