Jared Stites, a forty-three-year-old teacher at Hebron High School in Carrollton, was arrested at the administration building for Lewisville ISD on December 8 and is “facing charges for an alleged [sexual assault] incident with one of his students,” according to Fox 4.
CBS DFW stated that Stites, of Little Elm, has not been seen at Hebron High School since before their Thanksgiving break. He taught computer science. The victim, a seventeen-year-old girl, decided to reach out during that time. She asked the school for help by sharing her accusations against Stites of “an improper relationship” and sexual assault while the victim was on campus. The victim was sixteen years old when the alleged incidents first began when school started in August.
Immediately after the school heard the accusations, detectives started an investigation. Police reported “they found enough evidence for two probable cause warrants,” Fox 4 reported.
The Dallas Morning News shared that Stites is facing two second-degree felonies regarding “sexual assault of a child and improper relationship between an educator and student.”
The school newspaper of Hebron High School, along with community reports, shows that Stites, “over the years, was very active in working with students outside of class,” according to CBS DFW. Stites has also been involved in Digital Divas, which is an “all-girls computer programming competition” that Hebron High School was a part of.
The school district mentioned that they have no more information on the case due to detectives taking over the investigation. Their focus is on supporting the teachers and students of Hebron High School.
A spokesperson for Carrollton Police, Jolene DeVito, talked about not knowing if the victim who came forward is the only victim. “We don’t know, though. We don’t have indication of anyone specific. We certainly want to hear from anyone who has anything to report when it comes to the current case or anybody else who’s had improper contact with him,” DeVito stated.
Stites is being held at Carrollton City Jail, and there is no information of a bond. This case is under further investigation.
For more Dallas crime-related news, see how Dallas City Councilmember Chad West of District 1 was named The Dallas Express’ Crime Boss of the Month for August 2022.