The Dallas Express continues its New Year’s tradition of asking some of the city’s business and political leaders, as well as other notables, what they’re expecting in 2024.

Angela Campbell, dealer network and planning manager for General Motors: “I predict 2024 will be a tumultuous year because of the election. We will see the best and worst of people. The stock market will fluctuate. I believe that the human condition will worsen for the least of us but improve for those on top, and as a result, we will see more accountability forced on to corporations.” (DX contributor: Andrew Norsworthy, breaking news reporter)

Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia: “As the Dallas Police Department moves into 2024, we remain dedicated to the safety and well-being of our City. We are proud of the hard work of our men and women on our streets and with our community and City leaders as we continue to work to decrease violent crime in the City of Dallas. We know there will be challenges ahead with the new year, but we know that any decrease in violent crime overall is a positive step towards creating a safer Dallas. We will continue to focus on building strong partnerships within our communities while promoting transparency and making sure Dallas remains a safe and vibrant city for all residents and visitors. Go Cowboys, and Happy New Year!” (DX contributor: Tiffany Chartier, assistant editor)

Alex Stein, YouTube personality and host of Prime Time with Alex Stein on the Blaze Media network: “I predict we will have the following in 2024: a major cyber attack that messes up the internet for an extended period of time, the Cowboys will lose in the first round of the playoffs, Dylan Mulvaney will transition back to a boy, Donald Trump will get elected president.” (DX contributor: Andrew Afifian, national correspondent)

Kathleen M. LaValle, CEO of Dallas Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA): “In 2024, we’ll look forward to celebrating our fifth anniversary of reaching the capacity to accept court appointments to all Dallas County child welfare cases. Today, we serve more child victims of abuse and neglect than any of the more than 900 independent CASA programs nationwide. We owe that ranking to the nearly 2,700 Dallas CASA volunteer advocates who have served as a lifeline to our children in foster care over the last five years.” (DX contributor: Tiffany Chartier, assistant editor)

Amy Robbins, chief development officer of Metroplex Civic & Business Association, CEO of Alexo Athletica: “In 2024, Dallas-Fort Worth’s business landscape stands at the crossroads of pragmatism and ambition, embracing challenges as catalysts for evolution, fostering a climate where calculated risk-taking, strategic collaborations, and adaptability pave the way for sustained prosperity and entrepreneurial success.” (DX contributor: Alexandra Rhone, executive editor)

Trisha Cunningham, North Texas Food Bank president and CEO: “With inflated food and housing costs, our neighbors in every ZIP code are facing increasingly difficult choices every day, deciding whether to purchase groceries or pay for other living expenses. Through the generous support of our community, the North Texas Food Bank provided a record 144,000,000 meals last year to North Texans facing hunger. Our hope for 2024 is that more of our neighbors will have the resources needed to support their families and fewer neighbors will need access to food assistance; however, the North Texas Food Bank is here to support our community and will continue to work to close the hunger gap in North Texas whatever the new year brings.” (DX contributor: Tiffany Chartier, assistant editor)

Chad West, Dallas City Council member, District 1: “As far as predictions, I’m a bit superstitious on that front, so I’m cautious to call the votes on any one issue. I will say this, however — the future of our city depends on how we address the housing shortage for our workforce. We’re roughly a decade behind the housing crises faced by coastal cities, and we don’t want to follow in the same footsteps as San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland. If we want our police officers, firefighters, teachers, medical techs, and service industry workers to be able to live in Dallas and possibly even buy a home, we must be open to discussions about gentle density, lot size reform, parking reform, and other modern policies.”

“The mayor and I, along with a number of our colleagues, have also pledged to fight against property tax increases. If we want low taxes while still maintaining city services, we must find new revenue from somewhere to pay for our pension and uniformed and non-uniformed personnel salary obligations. The logical and, really, only source of new revenue is from density and activating tax-revenue-generating development where it currently does not exist,” added West. (DX contributor: Noah DeGarmo, staff reporter)

Retired U.S. Army Col. Douglas Abbott Macgregor: “The war in Ukraine will end on terms Moscow demands. A comprehensive peace will be agreed upon when the current globalist elites are thrown out of power over the next 12-18 months in Berlin, Paris, and most of Western Europe’s capitals. A rump Ukrainian State will exist largely West of the Dnieper, but areas historically controlled by Poland, Hungary, and Romania will return to their former owners.”

Macgregor also said he foresees that in 2024, “Germany will break with NATO and cultivate a new relationship with Eastern Europe, especially Russia. This will happen gradually, but the tectonic shift will begin in 2024 with a fundamental change to the center-right in Berlin. Like most sacred cows, NATO will not be slain; it will diminish until it is formally replaced by new European security zones based on European economic, military, and political interests, not hostility to Russia.”

“Israel will be unable to consolidate its control over Gaza and suspend its campaign of expulsion and destruction. This will occur as the hostility to Israel metastasizes, resulting in a regional coalition determined to end Sykes-Picot forever. It will be backed by Russia and China,” predicted Macgregor.

“Egypt will experience severe internal unrest as the army and people of Egypt demand action against Israel. Sisi will fall despite considerable support from the U.S. and Israel. This will be the first of many changes in leadership across the Middle East as the region slides toward war with Israel and the U.S. The U.S. will fall into a deep recession bordering on economic depression. Biden will be driven from office, and his administration will try to postpone the election in November 2024,” Macgregor projected. (DX contributor: Andrew Afifian, national correspondent)

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