
FBI, Grand Prairie PD Mute as Armed Antifa Targets Protesters

Armed Antifa Targets Protesters
Protestors at Drag Queen event in Grand Prairie | Image by Josh Carter/The Dallas Express

The Texas Trust CU Theatre Grand Prairie hosted its eighth annual A Drag Queen Christmas event, hosted by drag queen Nina West.

But the show was not just inside the theater.

Protests erupted outside the Texas Trust CU Theatre as members from Protect Texas Kids and alleged members from the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club, traded words.

Armed members of the gun club, which describes itself as “anti-fascist,” confronted the members of Protect Texas Kids, hurled expletives at them, and physically got very close to the protesters.

That necessitated police — including some in tactical gear — to keep the two groups separate.

The Antifa-style group appears to have held a planning session the day before the event, specifically with the goal of disrupting the protests in mind.

Despite the response from local law enforcement, it does not appear that state or federal law enforcement considered the advance planning and intimidation by these armed groups to be worthy of intervention.

Protect Texas Kids protested against the drag show in Grand Prairie because of the likelihood that children would be attending, according to the executive director of the organization, Kelly Neidert.

“We’re out here today because this is an all-ages drag show that’s currently touring the U.S.,” Neidert said, speaking to The Dallas Express.

“We saw pictures posted online from previous shows, very explicit disgusting shows. We’ve also seen pictures and videos of children inside of other locations, so we know that there are going to be kids here and that’s not okay with us. We’re just here to protest that,” Neidert explained to The Dallas Express.

Neidert told The Dallas Express that she expects the protest to garner more news coverage.

“This is going to make the news; it’s going to go on Twitter, and people are going to see that this theater right here actually allowed this. They’re not going to be happy,” she said.

“We want to raise awareness, and we want to get these people driving in to see our signs and rethink what they’re doing. We really just want to expose what’s going on and hope that you know this contributes to eventually getting these shows banned.”

The Dallas Express did reach out to the counter-protesting group dressed in all black, some of whom were carrying rifles.

When asked for comment, the response of one of the individuals — who was holding a rifle and had his face covered by a mask — was to hurl an expletive.

The Dallas Express did speak to an individual who identifies as queer, who did not come to attend the drag performance but came to support the show.

Corey Clements, speaking to The Dallas Express, said: “I thought it was prudent to show up. It’s a frustrating situation; I’d rather be at home with my family. But you know, I feel like if we let people showing up with guns start to control the discourse, they will show up to all these events. That’s really not healthy for the country, and it really isn’t the way we’re supposed to hash out our differences.”

Throughout the evening, event attendees flooded the theater’s parking lot with looks of shock and amazement on their faces.

The Dallas Express reached out to drag queen host Nina West and the Texas Trust CU Theatre for comment and additional information but had not received any response at the time of publication.

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  1. Doug

    So these 2 groups were opposing each other? The story is confusing, says the Protect group was opposing the drag show. Was the Gun Club group opposing the Protect group? Seems like both groups would be on the same side, opposing the drag show.

  2. Steve

    These perverts and their minions didn’t show up for free , I’m my estimation they are paid to do evil

    • Chris J Coyne

      I dunno the group with Nazi flags and such seem pretty evil to me.

  3. William McBreen

    The best thing to do is ignore the little perverts putting on their show. As for the armed goons that were protecting them, a baseball bat across the head will suffice.

    • Mike Allen

      Normally, I would agree that not giving them the time of day is the best way to handle certain groups seaking attention. Unfortunately, it cannot be ignored when children are being abused.

      • KAM

        Well back in the 60’s they took prayer and the 10 Commandments out of school, and our parents ignored it. When they stopped teaching the Pledge of Allegiance, then they burned the flag, and no one opposed these things, we just ignored it. Where did it get us? It got us to a place where we are now being required to accept confused mentally ill men who dress up like women and insult the womanhood of every true biological woman on earth. Will you ignore it when these confused mentally ill men demand that you provide sex for them? Doesn’t matter if you are married to a woman or not the way of deviation is coming, just keep ignoring it! For you ignorance may be bliss but if you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything!

      • Chris J Coyne

        You are outside protesting churches right? I mean there are children being abused on an almost daily rate at churches.

    • Lay Monk Jeffery

      You do not choose a bat when the other side are holding firearms, but I understand what you are saying. Violence seems to be growing and it’s sad, but it is written.

  4. Brandon

    How is taking children to that not child abuse?

    • Lay Monk Jeffery

      I do believe that this is part of “there” plan. And for that, nothing will happen except the continuation of the spiral downward. Again, it is written!

  5. CircuitBurner

    It is only fair and equitable for these armed anti-facist guardians of gayness to dress up in sexy feminine attire also…with their weapons and anything else they would brandish, in their militant posturing role. That would certainly establish their perceived solidarity with the exhibitionists. It is possible that this is a form of emotional or mental crisis that’s shared…Perhaps hemispherical in nature with each half of the cerebrum having some common deficit or need.
    On the left side, nothings right…
    And on the right side, nothing is left.

  6. Joe

    Well, you left out the part that armed neo Nazis were at that parking lot, and that the gun toting “antifas” were standing up to them.

    You didn’t try to interview any masked person, and you didn’t explain at all that all-ages drag shows are not “inappropriate” for children or that words like “groomer” and “pedophile” are coded anti-gay slurs long used to dehumanize LGBT people. What news are you actually trying to report?

  7. Todd

    They should have punched those fascists

  8. lolno

    another day, another Monty Bennett antifa hitpiece

  9. goggle

    thankfully the friendly folks with rifles were there to keep the people with the nazi flags from hurting anyone!

  10. Chris J Coyne

    Amazing how you leave out the fact the “Protect Texas Kids” group was walking around with literal Nazi flags and other iconography. Seems like you are trying to protect them and paint them as just concerned citizens and not you know NAZI

    • Ronald Reason

      Can’t trust DX news.

    • Ronald Reason

      Welcome to “pink slime” journalism.

  11. Joe

    Protect Texas Kids was displaying Nazi iconography, but you leave that out? Giving a full interview to someone calling gay people groomers is ok, but not giving the full fascist background? Tell the full story!

  12. James

    “Protesters” is a strange way to frame a group that was throwing Nazi salutes and marching with Totenkopf flags. Might help explain why there were anti-fascists there.

  13. Margaret

    Pure stupid to let antifa get the upper hand, they should have been locked up, they are blm over again.


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