As of the 10 p.m. election results update from the Dallas County Elections Department, 421,456 ballots had been counted.

The historically blue county had voted for Robert “Beto” O’Rourke over Governor Greg Abbott, with the challenger receiving 64% of the vote compared to roughly 35% for the incumbent. The vote differences for the Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General were similar to the race for governor.

The hotly contested races for County Judge and District Attorney both broke for the Democrat incumbents. Judge Clay Jenkins registered 64% of the early vote count, while challenger Lauren Davis caught just under 35% of residents.

This showed little change from the 2018 election results, where Jenkins won by a similar margin.


District Attorney John Creuzot earned less of the vote than Jenkins but still attained a 61% majority out of the gate. Challenger and former DA Faith Johnson earned 39%. Once again, this result echoed the 2018 race that featured both candidates.

The tightest race in the county, however, came over Precinct 2 of the County Commissioners Court, where incumbent Republican J. J. Koch struggled against challenger Andrew Sommerman, one of Clay Jenkins’ close associates. As of 10:00 p.m., Koch had 45% while Sommerman held a 55% advantage.

However, the election day votes had only begun being counted, which might favor Koch.

The race for County Treasurer followed a similar trajectory, with incumbent Democrat Pauline Medrano taking roughly 62% while challenger Shelly Akerly garnered over 37%.

The judicial races across Dallas County all fell towards the Democrat candidates, including the race for the 301st Judicial District, which was unique in that no candidates were on the ballot since the incumbent judge, Mary Brown, missed the deadline for being included on the ballot, as reported by The Dallas Express. However, over 24% of the votes were uncertified.

At the city level, Dallas’ Proposition A passed with roughly 70% of the vote. This proposition would authorize an increase in the hotel occupancy tax in order to build a new construction center and provide for investment in Fair Park, as reported by The Dallas Express.

Looking at the U.S. House races, on the south side of Dallas in Congressional House District TX-30, Democrat Jasmine Crockett had earned roughly 75% of the vote compared to Republican James Rodgers with nearly 20%. The independent democrat candidate, Zachariah Manning, collected close to 2.5% of the electorate as well.

Other local U.S. House seats generally stayed in the same hands, with Colin Allred (D), Marc Veasey (D), Beth Van Duyne (R), Lance Gooden (R), and Jake Ellzey (R) all seemingly holding their seats.