Dallas will transition to a paperless permitting process in early 2024.

Dallas’ Development Services Department (DSD) will no longer accept commercial permit applications submitted via paper beginning in March 2024, according to a City of Dallas news release. Starting March 1, all commercial permit applications must be submitted to DSD digitally through ProjectDox, the City’s online submittal portal.

The transition to a digital permitting process is a bid by DSD to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and contribute to environmental sustainability.

By shifting to a paperless system, DSD hopes to create space to direct its focus and resources on improving customer service and quickening the permitting process, as speed is something the department still struggles with, as reported by The Dallas Express.

“The new paperless permitting system is a testament to the City’s commitment to innovation and customer service. This digital transformation will not only expedite the permitting process but also allow DSD to focus more resources on customer service,” said the City of Dallas in the release.


The transition is hoped to help eliminate errors that occur when data from paper forms is manually digitized and foster quicker turnaround times by allowing for swift electronic plan review.

“The transition to paperless permitting aligns with our Service First culture,” said DSD Director Andrew Espinoza in the release. “This is a significant leap forward in our commitment to serving the Development community as efficient[ly] as possible.”

Other benefits of the paperless platform include digital document access and automated notifications.

Builders and developers who want to learn more about using ProjectDox are invited to attend the free information sessions that DSD will offer at its Training Center, located at 400 S. Zang Blvd., C95, in Dallas.

The sessions will run from noon to 1 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, December 13
  • Monday, January 22
  • Monday, February 13
  • Tuesday, March 12

“I encourage developers, contractors, and all of our development community members to embrace this progressive change and experience the benefits of a more agile and environmentally friendly permitting process,” Espinoza said.

Earlier this year, Espinoza announced that DSD would develop a new tool to track commercial permit activity in Dallas, similar to the department’s Residential Permit Dashboard.

DSD failed to meet its December 2023 deadline to release the commercial permit dashboard. It remains to be seen whether the department scrapping its paper system will mean the commercial permit data is more accurate, up-to-date, and accurately reflects the stages of the permits.

DSD plans to release its commercial dashboard in January 2024, according to a recent presentation given to the City’s Economic Development Committee, as reported by The Dallas Express.