The pro-Palestine rally last Sunday in Dallas was organized by groups with millions of dollars in funding that praised Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israel.

The “All Out for Palestine” rally on October 15 was hosted by several pro-Palestine groups. It drew hundreds of attendees who joined in chants like, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a slogan some consider to be a call to eliminate the Israeli nation-state.

Three of these groups — the Palestinian Youth Movement, the Dallas Anti-War Committee, and the Muslim American Society (MAS) — all posted statements supporting the October 7 terrorist attacks against Israel by Hamas as they were being unleashed.

The Hamas attacks left an estimated 1,400 Israelis and foreign nationals dead. Reports from Israel detailed the slaughter of innocent families in their homes, massacred infants, a mass shooting of teenagers and young adults at a music festival, and the kidnapping of more than 100 people.

“Last night, the resistance in Gaza led a heroic attack against the occupation and has taken over 30 hostages, including Brigadier General Nimrom Aloni,” the Palestinian Youth Movement posted on Facebook. “Their march toward liberation is as monumental as their rockets — the resistance will free the prisoners who have been facing a fascist attack by the occupation and liberate our land from the fangs of the enemy.”

The Dallas Anti-War Committee planned a rally for the following day, seemingly expressing support for the terrorist attacks being carried out.

“3pm at the grassy knoll tomorrow, we will be standing in solidarity with the unprecedented advance in Palestinian resistance!” the group posted on Facebook.

The MAS emphasized its “unwavering support” for Palestine on the day of the attacks against Israel. Its lengthy statement did not condemn Hamas.

“The United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), which MAS is a part of, reaffirms its unwavering support for the Palestinian people and their ongoing struggle against the Israeli occupation,” the group posted.

The Palestinian Youth Movement reportedly has ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated terrorist group, according to The Hill. Such ties include a scholarship named after one of the terrorist group’s members and the promotion of its logo.

The Palestinian Youth Movement is bankrolled by the Westchester People’s Action Coalition (WESPAC) Foundation, a leftwing advocacy group that has promoted the Green New Deal and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. The WESPAC Foundation has more than $1 million in assets, according to its latest Form 990 from 2022.

MAS was founded in 1993 by activists with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Chicago Tribune reported. The group has a network of local chapters. Its national chapter last filed a Form 990 in 2017, which showed $1 million in assets.

MAS did not respond to a request for comment on why it has not filed a Form 990 tax form annually, as required by law, since 2017.

The Dallas Anti-War Committee is a smaller, local organization that does not appear to have any public tax forms.

None of the three groups responded to a request for comment regarding their posts about the terrorist attacks in Israel.

The Dallas Express asked the City of Dallas to provide documentation on any permits obtained for last Sunday’s “All Out for Palestine” rally. The City responded on Monday, claiming an open records request was needed to obtain the information. The Dallas Express immediately filed one. The City then responded Wednesday, saying it could take an extended period of time to provide the records due to a “cybersecurity incident.”

“Due to a cybersecurity incident, the City is experiencing service interruption and is working to restore services,” the Open Records Unit told The Dallas Express. “Additionally, various city departments are unable to access records, including information maintained solely in digital format, such as e-mails, and compliance with the request is not feasible at this time.”

“Expect delays in receiving responsive records. We anticipate providing documents within ten business days of when the City fully restores access to digital information. Please consider resubmitting your request at a later time. We appreciate your patience during this time,” the unit added.

The Palestinian Youth Movement, the Dallas Anti-War Committee, and MAS have publicly blamed Israel this week for a bombing at a hospital in Gaza.

“Israel targeted Al-Ahli hospital, massacring over 500 Palestinians,” the Palestinian Youth Movement posted on Facebook Thursday.

U.S. intelligence agencies, along with President Joe Biden, concluded the explosion was likely the result of a rocket launch botched by the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The Palestinian Youth Movement and the Dallas Anti-War Committee organized a protest Thursday at The Dallas Morning News office building, as reported by The Dallas Express. The protesters at the rally claimed the media is complicit in “genocide.”

The Palestinian Youth Movement also helped organize a rally in Washington, D.C., which resulted in hundreds being arrested inside a U.S. Capitol office building.

Benji Gershon, president of Dallas Jewish Conservatives, likened the three groups to “modern-day Nazis” due to their public support of terrorism.

“It’s hate speech,” he told The Dallas Express. “I’m all about First Amendment rights, but these people are openly calling for the destruction of Israel. They are defending Hamas.”