A former candidate for Dallas County judge seemed to suggest that voting irregularities occurred during early voting and cautioned voters to check their ballots.

Lauren Davis shared a “Ballot Marking Alert” on X over the weekend.

“Reports are coming in that when voters select a candidate, the machines are selecting a different candidate!!! Check your ballot during voting and once printed. If incorrect, immediately contact election judge at voting site. The judge will need to ‘spoil’ your ballot so you can vote again, correctly,” the alert reads.

Davis cautioned voters in her post: “Check your ballots when voting in Dallas County. You will notice the current [Dallas County Republican Party] Chair isn’t sending this out or asking for people to contact her. She is too busy being part of the problem.”

The alert she shared asked anyone experiencing such an irregularity while voting to contact Tami Brown Rodriguez, a long-time critic of Dallas County Republican Party chair Jennifer Stoddard-Hajdu, by emailing [email protected].

Stoddard-Hajdu spoke with The Dallas Express on Monday and confirmed that there have been two reports of voting irregularities in Dallas County.

“I don’t really think anything is [happening],” Stoddard-Hajdu said. “In both cases, the [candidate] selection was the one before or after it.”

Stoddard-Hajdu said that election officials suspect the irregularities resulted from voters mistakenly selecting the incorrect box. She said that Dallas County will be updating its system this summer to change the method of selecting a candidate from checking a box to selecting a name, which will allegedly help to eliminate accidental selections.

Voting machine irregularities have been at the center of national debate since the 2020 election when former President Donald Trump claimed that machines produced by Dominion Voting Systems illegally changed votes. Fox News ultimately agreed to pay $787 million in damages in a settlement with Dominion over false claims the network had made, according to reporting by the Associated Press.

The Texas primary election is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5.