As Texas voters cast their ballots at the polls on Super Tuesday, Republicans were asked to vote Yes or No on 13 propositions, including one that pertained to voter registration.

Proposition 12 on the GOP ballot asked whether “The Texas Constitution should be amended to require proof of citizenship before any individual can be registered to vote.”

Local political activist Charlie Kolean organized a get-out-the-vote rally at Dallas restaurant State & Allen to support Proposition 12 on Monday evening.

“I’m with Americans for Citizens Voting, and we have had constitutional amendments pass in 6 different states so far. We plan to have this constitutional amendment on the ballot in possibly 10 states this year,” Kolean told The Dallas Express on March 4.

“We expect Proposition 12 to pass easily. Texas is a focus of ours, and we plan to be active in the 2025 legislative session. Last cycle, we almost got our amendment on the ballot in until the Dems voted present in the house, effectively killing our amendment!” Kolean told DX.

As previously reported by The Dallas Express, an amendment by Sen. Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury) last year failed to reach the required 100 votes out of the 150 house members in order for it to be presented statewide on the ballot as a referendum.

In a George Washington Law Review article titled “The Right to Vote Under Local Law,” law professor Joshua A. Douglas stated the following: “Municipalities can expand voting rights in local elections if there are no explicit state constitutional or legislative impediments and so long as local jurisdictions have the power of home rule.”

Currently, several states allow people who are not citizens to vote in local municipality races, including California, Maryland, and Vermont.