Low-income households in Dallas County could receive an air conditioner paid for by tax dollars through Dallas County Health and Human Services CEAP program.

The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) focuses on individuals more “vulnerable” to illnesses from the heat, including homes with elderly people or children up to 5 years old. However, the program is open to all who meet the guidelines.

The CEAP also offers help with utility payments and restoration to cooling and heating units during times when heat and air are needed the most. Residents need to make an appointment to determine eligibility before receiving assistance.

With temperatures expected to rise next week, the risk of heatstroke increases. The CDC says heatstroke is the most serious heat-related illness and can result in death.

During a heat stroke, the body’s temperature increases drastically and quickly, reaching temperatures of up to 106 degrees Fahrenheit.

Identifying the symptoms in someone suffering from heatstroke can help save their life because delayed care could mean death. Look for the following signs:

  • problems with speech, which could be slurred or characterized by confusing wording;
  • extreme sweating;
  • seizures;
  • hot skin and alarmingly high body temperature; and
  • unconsciousness.

If someone is suffering from heatstroke, after calling 911, it is important to lower their body temperature as much as possible. Getting the skin wet will help with this. Place wet cloths on the body and get the person’s clothes wet. If fans or air conditioning are available, allow the air to maneuver directly to the body as much as possible.

Other heat illnesses include heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat syncope, rhabdomyolysis, and heat rash.

Dallas County Health and Human Services sees these as serious threats to the health of the community.

“So we’re providing AC units for those families who don’t have any A/C at all at home,” Christian Grisales with Dallas County Health and Human Services told NBC DFW. “We understand that many families have children, elderly at home, and not having A/C, there’s a great risk of dehydration, of death.”

For more information on the CEAP program and to make an appointment, visit the program’s website.