It’s no secret that the City of Dallas is home to a number of philanthropic organizations dedicated to improving the lives of citizens and the City as a whole. In this article, The Dallas Express continues its ongoing series showcasing nonprofits dedicated to serving the City of Dallas.

In this edition, The Dallas Express highlights the Dallas Citizens Council. This nonprofit, like those before, was previously featured on our most influential nonprofits of 2023.

The Dallas Citizens Council is dedicated to serving the City of Dallas through public policy, quality-of-life improvements, and service.

Priorities for the organization include the promotion of “inclusive growth” for the City in the public policy topics of education, mobility, housing, and quality of life and serving as “first responders” for local businesses.

Members of the organization include DFW International Airport, the George W. Bush Institute, Goldman Sachs, Texas 2036, and many more.

“Each of our more than 150 members is committed to achieving inclusive growth for everyone in the Dallas community,” the organization said on its website. “[The] Dallas Citizens Council aims to foster an environment where economic growth and prosperity extend to all residents of the Dallas area.”

The DCC was originally founded by Robert L. Thornton in the Downtown Baker Hotel in 1937. Since its founding, the organization has aided in a number of projects in the City, many of which are still in use.

The DCC helped establish the Central Expressway, the Southwestern Medical School, the Dallas Opera, The Dallas Assembly, and the Dallas Memorial Auditorium. The creation of the Central Expressway and the Dallas Memorial Auditorium were among the organization’s earliest goals.

The organization has also contributed to civil rights for Dallas, having pressed for desegregation efforts in public spaces, department stores, lunchrooms, and restaurants in the 1960s.

In 2022, the DCC also pushed for the passage of Proposition A, a project that would renovate both Fair Park and the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center while creating thousands of new jobs.

This proposition ultimately passed in November of 2022, as previously reported by The Dallas Express. 

Kelvin Walker, CEO of the Dallas Citizens Council, outlined the goals for the organization for this year in the 2022 End of Year Report. These goals include the expansion of affordable housing in the Dallas area, creating avenues for jobs that pay a living wage, and efforts that would meet water needs.

The DCC also had a number of priorities when it came to this year’s legislative session agenda. These priorities include investment in healthcare access, higher education, and water infrastructure.

This organization is also planning to hold a reception later this year in September to honor officials such as the mayor and members of the City Council. The DCC’s next annual report will be held later this winter in November.