At an anti-Israel protest in downtown Dallas, people waving Palestinian flags chanted that the “only solution” to the Israel-Palestine conflict was “intifada revolution.”

Organized by the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Dallas Palestine Coalition, the protesters met on the Grassy Knoll where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. The Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, which memorializes the mass genocide of Jews by Nazi Germany in World War II, was a block away from the rally.

The protest was one of dozens planned in major cities around the United States following the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, as reported by The Dallas Express. Hamas launched a surprise attack during a Jewish holiday, reportedly killing hundreds of people and taking dozens of men, women, and children hostage.

Roughly 60 pro-Palestinian protesters called for the end of the Israeli state and the end of any U.S. monetary support for Israel’s government. The Dallas Express reported from the scene of the rally.

After instructing supporters not to speak to any media, activists began leading the crowd in chants of anti-Israel slogans.

“When people are occupied, resistance is justified,” the protesters shouted.

Calling Israel a “racist state,” the pro-Palestinian demonstrators chanted, “We don’t want two states. We want ’48,” referring to the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 in which surrounding Arab nations attempted to conquer the recently formed state of Israel.

Other chants could be heard at the protest.

“No peace on stolen land,” some shouted. “Intifada, intifada, long live the intifada.”

Intifada is an Arabic word that means “to shake off.” It has been used to refer to events over the past several decades during which Palestinians launched armed uprisings.

The protesters also yelled, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution!”

The protesters also called for an end to any barriers along the U.S. southern border, shouting, “From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go.”

When The Dallas Express tried to get a statement from the rally’s designated media contact, the individual refused to comment, referring to “a whole lot of emotions” and “some anxiousness and tiredness.”

Hamas’ actions against Israeli civilians have been widely condemned by Dallas officials.

Mayor Eric Johnson said in a statement received by The Dallas Express, “The City of Dallas strongly condemns these acts of terrorism and stands in solidarity with the people and State of Israel, who are now at war.”

“I will be introducing a resolution on Wednesday for the Dallas City Council to formalize Dallas’ condemnation of this attack and our support for Israel,” he continued. “Please take a moment to reflect on the hundreds of lives lost to these brazen acts of terrorism that have shaken Israelis’ sense of safety.”

“The City of Dallas will continue to stand up for humanity around the world and to stand against such horrific acts of violence and mayhem wherever they occur,” Mayor Johnson concluded.