Terabyte Unlimited has launched an easy-to-use Windows program called QnE Companion. It is software that can boost your productivity with tools such as screen capture utility, desktop icon utility, and a clipboard manager that enable users to complete their work with less effort.

These utilities will be easily accessible from the Windows Taskbar through traditional keyboard shortcuts.

Among them, the QnE Launcher provides easy access to any application, folder, or document you use daily. You will be able to organize them into menus and submenus to allow you to navigate quickly and optimally.


The QnE Clipboard Companion lists all of the expressions you use most often, which can speed up your writing process. Just browse the list, click on an item, and paste it where you want it.

Another feature, the QnE Screen Capture, allows you to take a customizable screenshot quickly. Its power lies in the fact that you can select only a part of the screen. You will not need to edit your screenshots when you want to save only a window or a piece of your screen. It also supports the use of multiple screens.

Finally, the search function of the QnE Icon Companion flashes the desktop icons that match the given criteria. It gives you all the options you need to work with the location of icons on your desktop.

It also has a function that allows you to save desktop layouts. This can be useful if you lose your desktop layout due to a resolution change, remote desktop, or the addition of a new icon that resets everything.

For more information, check out their website by following this link: https://www.terabyteunlimited.com.