A hacker has collected data from 37 million T-Mobile customer accounts.

T-Mobile announced on Thursday that the hacker retrieved data including names, birthdates, and phone numbers but clarified that no payment information or government ID numbers were stolen.

“We are currently in the process of informing impacted customers that after a thorough investigation, we have determined that a bad actor used a single application programming interface (or API) to obtain limited types of information on their accounts,” the company said in a statement.

T-Mobile said it resolved the breach within 24 hours of identifying it.


“Our systems and policies prevented the most sensitive types of customer information from being accessed, and as a result, customer accounts and finances should not be put directly at risk by this event,” the statement continued. “There is also no evidence that the bad actor breached or compromised T-Mobile’s network or systems.”

T-Mobile said that “some basic customer information” was obtained, such as names, billing addresses, phone numbers, and emails. However, no information was stolen that would “compromise the safety of customer accounts or finances.”

“We want to be transparent with our customers and ensure they are aware,” the company continued. “No passwords, payment card information, Social Security numbers, government ID numbers or other financial account information were compromised.”

“We understand that an incident like this has an impact on our customers and regret that this occurred,” the statement concluded. “While we, like any other company, are unfortunately not immune to this type of criminal activity, we plan to continue to make substantial, multi-year investments in strengthening our cybersecurity program.”

The Dallas Express contacted T-Mobile for any updates or additional information. The company responded, “Everything we are able to share has been posted.”

T-Mobile suffered another data breach in 2021 that exposed data from nearly 77 million customer accounts, including names, Social Security numbers, and driver’s license information. The company reached a $350 million settlement with affected customers in July 2022.

Individual payments range from $25 to $25,000, and the deadline to submit a claim for compensation is January 23, 2023. Customers can submit a claim by filling out T-Mobile’s online form, emailing [email protected], or calling 1-833-512-2314.