Many college graduates are getting a reality check with large school debt and few job guarantees after college graduation, according to a report by ZeroHedge:

“This dilemma is why many are now suggesting that encouraging high school graduates to learn skilled trades not only is a suitable alternative but also could save several industries that are desperate to find new workers.

“From plumbers and electricians to welders, auto mechanics, and construction workers, skilled trade jobs far exceed the people available to fill them.


“According to a recent study by management consulting firm McKinsey, from 2022 to 2032, annual hiring in trades is expected to be more than 20 times the projected annual increase in net new jobs, costing companies more than $5.3 billion annually.

“With a renewed focus on the lack of skilled trade workers, 47 states in 2023 enacted 115 policies related to career and technical education (CTE), according to the nonprofit Advance CTE, which represents state CTE directors.

“According to Kevin Koehler, the president of the Construction Association of Michigan (CAM), part of the issue of the dearth of skilled trade workers needed for jobs is the stigma attached to choosing that career path over college.

“Obviously, that’s an issue with students coming out of high school. What they don’t realize is that trade jobs offer complete benefits, with some providing over $100,000 a year to provide for your family,” he told The Epoch Times.

“However, one thing that could energize Gen Z students is the technology component that now exists in many of these available jobs, Mr. Koehler said.”

To read the entire ZeroHedge article, click HERE.