River Logic, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, was founded in 2000. The company helps businesses resolve complex decisions while optimizing key objectives such as cost-cutting, customer service, financial performance, efficiency, and more. They help leaders identify the actions needed for maximizing objectives that impact present and future business performance. Its goal is to ensure every company across the globe makes the right decision at the right time, no matter how complex the business or how quickly the market tends to shift.

River Logic users can now use industry mapping capabilities to build more engaging scenarios. Interactive result scenarios can be created through advanced mapping in the Network Design Optimization solution. Strategic questions such as where to build the next fulfillment center or warehouse can be answered quickly with suggested locations when running Center of Gravity Analysis in the Network Design Optimization Solution as well.

Carlos Centurion, President of River Logic, explained, “We are thrilled that our customers and partners have reacted very positively to our recent product improvements, with most new features already adopted. As we look forward, we will continue to focus on enabling users to orchestrate and collaborate on their planning process, increasing the system’s intelligence, and adding features that make it easier to implement and use our solutions.”


Enhancements for financial reports, model security, and sequencing have been added, as well as upgrades to the programming language and solvers to allow users to manage large-scale datasets, better importing and exporting to and from databases, and faster matrix generation. These enhancements in visualization, customer experience, and key capabilities will help their clients solve more complex problems across the enterprise.

Learn more about River Logic’s solution here: https://www.riverlogic.com/