
New Bill Would Protect Victims of Deepfake Revenge Porn

deepfake images
Screengrab of Senator Ted Cruz speaking about the Take It Down Act | Image by Senator Ted Cruz

The surge in deepfake artificial intelligence pornographic images, which have targeted everyone from celebrities to high school students, has lawmakers on Capitol Hill rushing to address the problem, NBC News reported:

“Now, a new bill will seek to hold social media companies accountable for policing and removing nonconsensual sexually explicit deepfake images published on their sites. The measure would criminalize publishing or threatening to publish deepfake pornography.

“Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is the bill’s main sponsor. Cruz’s office provided CNBC with exclusive details about the bill.

“The Take It Down Act would also require social media platform operators to develop a process for removing the images within 48 hours of receiving a valid request from a victim.

“Additionally, the sites would also have to make a reasonable effort to remove any other copies of the images, including ones shared in private groups.

“The task of enforcing these new rules would fall to the Federal Trade Commission, which regulates consumer protection rules.”

To read the entire NBC News article, click HERE.

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