In a recent and rather timely launch, streaming giant Netflix announced that it has begun adding Nike workouts to its platform.

This partnership brings a variety of Nike-branded fitness content to Netflix, giving users — especially those who have made working out their New Year’s resolution — access to a range of workout options from the popular athletic brand.

When the launch is complete, Netflix will offer a total of “90 workout videos, totaling 30 hours” from Nike Training Club in 10 languages including French, Italian, German, both Latin American Spanish and European Spanish, as well as Turkish, Japanese, Korean, and Brazilian Portuguese.


The workouts will cover a range of fitness levels and goals, and include a variety of choices for users, including high-intensity interval training, yoga, strength training, and other fitness basics. All can be done from the comfort of Netflix subscribers’ homes.

Each video will begin with brief instructions explaining the area of focus, how the class will go, and what equipment may be needed. These videos will give users the opportunity to follow along with expert guidance and get the most out of their workouts.

“It’s not always easy to motivate yourself to exercise, but the option to feel the burn and then directly transition into one of your favorite shows does have a certain appeal” a Netflix blog remarked.

A number of the videos have already been released. Netflix will release the remaining videos over the coming months in 2023 with no other set dates at this time. They can be accessed by typing “Nike” into the Netflix search engine feature.

The joint fitness-entertainment initiative comes as the U.S. faces an epidemic of obesity, a major public health crisis that can be improved with regular exercise. Dallas-Fort Worth is one of the most obese metro areas in the country, as previously reported by The Dallas Express.