Sweetview Partners is pleased to announce its most exciting partnership to date, welcoming Sherpa Coaching, home to a team of world-leading educators and researchers, to the MLink Technologies family.

Sweetview Partners acquires highly performing Texas small businesses, builds the infrastructure to grow them to the next level and expands the leadership team. The company retains the legacy of the company name and identity as well as the employee teams that have succeeded.


Having produced high quality corporate training for over 30 years, MLink (a subsidiary of Sweetview Partners) is home to the Learning Engagement Guarantee. At its core, Mlink Technologies tailors custom interactive and innovative learning design and development services to clients across the globe. The company’s integrated design team ensures the creation of highly interactive, authentic and engaging learning experiences focused on performance.

Sherpa Coaching is based on “the most detailed process in print.” They provide coaching services through a global network and offer workshops and training programs to refine leadership skills. Having trained and certified coaches since 2004, at the University of Georgia and elsewhere, Sherpa teaches the most widely-recognized program in the profession, using the classic text: “The Sherpa Guide: Process-Driven Executive Coaching”.

“We are delighted to be passing the reins to MLink, a dynamic team of leaders and innovators,” Brenda Corbett, founder of Sherpa Coaching. “When we first started talking about the sale, we thought it might be too good to be true. After spending a couple of months working out the details, we realize that this is the best possible marriage of talent and resources. The Sherpa name and everything it stands for now goes to a second generation.”

For more information about Sweetview Partners, please visit sweetviewpartners.com. For more information about MLink Technologies, please visit https://www.mlinktech.com. For more information about Sherpa Coaching, please visit https://www.sherpacoaching.com.