Hartman Income REIT Management’s score is considered excellent based on global NPS standards. The NPS is a market research tool which is a benchmark used to estimate the loyalty of a company’s customers. A form is voluntarily filled by Hartman tenants in order to know the likelihood of recommending the company.

The results of this survey have been steadily improving since the 3rd quarter of 2018 for the Hartman Management team which is a particular reflection of the company’s commitment to uphold its core values. According to ClearlyRated.com, when compared to other top commercial real estate firms, Hartman’s NPC results are in the top 6% of all firms participating in this survey.


“We are thrilled to receive such high NPS scores from our tenants,” said Angel Gonzales, Hartman’s VP of Property Management. “The accolade is a testament to how hard our Property Management Team works to deliver top notch customer service and how sincerely we care about the experience our tenants have in our buildings. At Hartman we strive for nothing but the gold standard.”

Hartman’s tenant mix includes thousands of small businesses and brands including Gulf Interstate, Chuck E. Cheese, Aldi, Chase Bank, Oracle and Floor and Décor. Hartman’s score of 60 can be compared to the score of 49 achieved by the famous and highly trusted car manufacturer Honda or the score of 52 achieved by the tech giant Intel.

“Our team here at Hartman takes customer service very seriously,” said Al Hartman, President and CEO. “Different from other commercial real estate firms, we are vertically integrated and manage everything in-house. This has allowed us to stay hyper-focused on our tenant’s needs and maintain a superior white glove service standard.”

Visit www.hi-reit.com/ for more information.