A Dallas company has launched a website that allows users to find reputable non-profit organizations.

“In the world of giving, especially for small to medium-sized nonprofits, accessibility has traditionally trumped quality in donor decision-making,” Pactman announced in a news release.

“People often rely on personal connections and mainstream media for information about nonprofits, sources that lack the capacity to provide reliable data on effectiveness. Many nonprofits with good publicity fall short on delivering results, while countless effective nonprofit programs remain hidden in the shadows.”

“Pactman makes it easy for people to find information on trustworthy and reliable nonprofits,” the release states. “Pactman combines the spirit of community-driven platforms like Yelp with the reliability of data-driven decision-making but does this for the nonprofit industry.”

Often called “Yelp for nonprofits,” the site is a “one-stop platform” designed for donors.

“By bridging the information gap, Pactman makes it effortless for donors to discover and rate the best and most efficient nonprofits, instantly connecting them with organizations making a real impact.”

“In the words of the author Dan Pallotta, ‘We stand on the precipice of a possibility not known to any of our ancestors — a world free of most of the suffering that has plagued humanity since the beginning of time. Our greatest moral question is whether we will make this imagined world a reality.'”

Here’s how it works: After a user enters a location in the search bar at the top of the homepage, they are then asked to provide the name of an organization. The site returns a dashboard of sorts that provides a description of the nonprofit, reviews, and ratings — if any exist — and the prospective donor may then use that information to decide whether to give to the organization.

Pactman is run by Pledge Software.