Voz Media is an American company founded in early 2022 that aims to be the alternative source of information for the millions of people in the U.S. that get their news in Spanish.

Its website states that Voz “defends and promotes the principles and values that the Founding Fathers inscribed in both the U.S. Constitution and in the Bill of Rights; the principles that made the United States a bastion of freedom and of Western Civilization.”

Its main studios and corporate headquarters are in Dallas-Fort Worth. Voz held a gala to share its mission, background, and goals with several media personnel and dignitaries in the city on Tuesday.

Voz Media’s Chief Operating Officer Pablo Kleinman explained how he got involved in the project. Kleinman said he was the host of the only “right-of-center” Spanish radio show in all of California for Univision’s flagship station in Los Angeles before it was canceled on January 7, 2021.

“And the date let me tell you, it was no coincidence,” said Kleinman.

Shortly after his show’s cancellation, he met with the chairman and CEO of Voz Media, Orlando Salazar, and in their first conversation, “it was evident that we share very similar ideas about how to bring morality to the Spanish language media landscape in the United States.”

Kleinman cited a statistic that while American Hispanics are generally 13% more prone to supporting liberal politicians, that gap goes up to 40% among those Hispanics who primarily consume Spanish language media.

“We can draw many different conclusions from this gap,” Kleinman continued. “But for sure, one of these conclusions has to be that the Spanish language media is even more biased than the already legendarily biased mainstream media, and something has to be done about this for the good of our community and for the good of our country.”


CEO Salazar said he wants Voz to be a center and right-of-center news organization, the “opposite” of Spanish media giants Univision and Telemundo.

“The opposite, absolutely, 100%, because they carry the water for the left, they’re just like NBC, ABC, CBS,” Salazar stated in an interview with The Dallas Express. “So, we’re going to tell the truth.”

Salazar said God compelled him to take on this venture, adding that Voz is “all about family values.”

“People like me didn’t have a place to get news, and nobody else was doing this,” he said. “The Lord kind of said, ‘Well, why don’t you do it?’ And so I did.”

Since launching its website, which is available in both English and Spanish, Voz.us, on July 4, the company’s presence on social media has continued to grow. They held a four-hour live stream covering the midterm election results on its Facebook account.

They will soon launch audio-visual programming available for television and all kinds of streaming platforms. Programming deals are already in place with DirecTV and Verizon Fios.

The media company also has a social media-only daily sports news capsule and is set to launch its first talk show soon. In this daily one-hour roundtable discussion, five hosts in five different locations will discuss the most critical issues of each day.

Two weeks after the talk show begins, Voz will launch its first video podcast, which will have a less political tone in a more intimate setting hosted by two anchors.

“Our goal is to be on the major platforms… we want to be on Spectrum, we want to be on Comcast, and we want to be on all of those besides all the digital stuff as well,” said Salazar.

“Success is we make money, and we make money for our investors, and we increase the number of viewers that we start overtaking the other networks like Univision and Telemundo,” he added.

A news host with Voz, Flor Elena Robledo, said she joined the company because it’s about “promoting family values in our country.”

“Just seeing the direction that the country’s going in is certainly personally concerning,” Robledo told The Dallas Express. “Especially as a mom, just seeing some of the issues that are arising and the breakdown of the family is extremely concerning.”

Robledo explained how her background as a Cuban American puts her in alignment with Voz’s mission.

“My family fled communism, socialism, Marxism, seeing the things that we’re seeing in the schools, some of the indoctrination that’s being incorporated critical race theory, for example, that is separating kids instead of uniting them,” she said.

At Voz, there will be no attempt to pit races or classes of people against each other, said Robledo, adding how that is important to her.

“I personally believe that we are one under God,” she said. “We are one, and I’ve taught my kiddos we don’t see color; that’s how I was raised; we don’t see color, the Lord doesn’t see any of that.”