Gov. Greg Abbott got a chance to speak with Dallas small business owners face-to-face last week.  

On Sept. 17th, Abbott discussed Texas’ vibrant economy and business environment at a small business roundtable hosted by Goldman Sachs in Dallas.  

Joining Desiree and Calvin Wineland of American Butchers and Beyond the Butchers, 13 additional small business owners, and alumni of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Businesses program, Abbott listened as the group discussed various situations they face daily.  

Topics included COVID-related business challenges, including labor shortages, supply chain issues, and access to capital. 

“The spirit of Texas, hard work and perseverance, shines through our small businesses, and their success is crucial to Texas’ strong economic resurgence,” said Abbott. “Thank you to Goldman Sachs and the 10,000 Small Businesses program for the support you have provided to over one thousand small businesses across our state.” 

Goldman Sachs and the 10,000 Small Businesses program has rendered support to more than 1,400 Texan small businesses by providing expert resources, adding COVID-19 liability protections, cutting taxes, and rolling back regulations. 

In Texas, 10,000 Small Businesses partner with Dallas CollegeHouston Community College, and Babson College to deliver the program. Nearly 1,400 Texas business owners across the state have completed the program to date.  

Interested Texas small business owners can learn more about the program and apply at