“To give up one’s very self — to think only of others — how to bring the greatest happiness to others — that is the true meaning of Christmas,” declared The American Magazine in 1889.

With Christmas just a couple of days away, The Dallas Express caught up with some local residents to see how much that meaning has or hasn’t changed in the past 133 years. We intend to make this a yearly Christmas tradition, in which we ask Dallas residents and our readers what Christmas means to them.

Dallas resident Kay Hunter was getting some last-minute shopping done when The Dallas Express caught up with her.

“This holiday is for giving back,” she said.

It will be Hunter’s 88th Christmas, and she looks forward to it every year.

“Every holiday season, I give back in some way. For years, I’ve participated in projects, including donating socks to kids, adopting an angel, and so many other fun programs for the youth,” she told The Dallas Express. “I enjoy making sure every child feels special during Christmas, regardless of their situation.”

Carla Hardin mentioned giving gifts to celebrate as well, making a religious connection.

Christmas is “A time to celebrate the birth of Jesus,” she told The Dallas Express. “Three wisemen brought gifts. Gold, frankincense and myrrh. Guess why presents are part of Christmas giving celebration.”

Others agreed too.

“The birth of Jesus,” concurred Kay Brock. The same sentiment was echoed by Sandra Jurecka, who said “Jesus is the reason.”

For his part, local Target employee and Dallas resident Joshua Dorphin, 24, doesn’t let it get him down that he has to work around the holidays. He still brings the Christmas cheer to work with him.

“Holiday customers are so fun and cheerful, it’s like everybody’s happy this one time of year,” he told The Dallas Express, explaining that watching people shop for the holidays brings him joy.

“People spend a lot of money on last-minute groceries and gifts, but that’s what the season is about,” he said.

Pressed on the real meaning of Christmas, the 24-year-old recalled waking up Christmas morning when he was a child and thinking everything was magical.

“The music, the presents, the happiness, it’s all so nice. To me, Christmas means happiness,” he said.