On June 1, 2021, Andrea L Porter sold their three bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home at 116 W. Kenwood Drive, Garland to Angela Christine Goldston. The property is appraised at $154,430.

The property tax paid for this property in 2018 was $4,094.91. This is 2.65% of the appraised value of the home.

This home last sold on June 12, 2019.

This property is one of 49 sales in Garland in June 2021.

According to the Texas Secretary of State, there were five registered voters residing at 116 W. Kenwood Drive, Garland as of Oct. 10, 2020: Elizabeth Mason, 74, John Albert Rogers, 37, Todd a Mason, 51, Billy Mason, 79, and Julie Boyd Rogers, 36.

This story was found on BlockShopper.com.