The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced yesterday it would monitor polls in Dallas County, claiming it would ensure no one intimidates voters or otherwise interferes with the midterm elections.

The DOJ “plans to monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws in 64 jurisdictions in 24 states for the Nov. 8, 2022, general election.”

Dallas County was one of those jurisdictions, along with Harris County and Waller County.

“Since the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Division has regularly monitored elections in the field in jurisdictions around the country to protect the rights of voters,” stated the DOJ in a news release.


The release went on to explain, “Monitors will include personnel from the Civil Rights Division and from the U.S. Attorney’s Offices. In addition, the division also deploys monitors from the Office of Personnel Management, where authorized by federal court order. Division personnel will also maintain contact with state and local election officials.”

The DOJ said that the Civil Rights Division’s Voting Section “enforces the civil provisions of federal statutes that protect the right to vote, including the Voting Rights Act, the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, the National Voter Registration Act, the Help America Vote Act and the Civil Rights Acts.”

Harris and Dallas are the state’s two largest counties, and both have large populations of black and Latino voters.

It is currently unclear what motivated the DOJ to move to monitor so many jurisdictions.

As previously reported in The Dallas Express, whistleblowers at the FBI and DOJ have made multiple accusations claiming that the institutions are becoming increasingly politicized.

Republican members of Congress recently released a 1,000-page report which claimed:

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken. The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.”