Uncle Tom 2: an American Odyssey opines through the film that Marxism is gradually demoralizing the United States and the black community by infiltrating American institutions.

The documentary claims that the “deceptive ideology” of Marxism is “creating false racial tensions” and has “torn apart the fabric of society while using black America as its primary tool of destruction,” according to the synopsis.

Its cast includes author and former California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder, former congressman and Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West, former 2016 presidential candidate and former secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson, and Texas-based pastor and anti-abortion activist Stephen Broden, among many others.

The Dallas Express was on hand at the world premiere of Uncle Tom 2 on August 26 and spoke to radio host and YouTuber Jesse Lee Peterson about the movie and the issues that are apparently plaguing black America.

Dr. Ben Carson also talked to The Dallas Express about his involvement with the film and his thoughts on the United States and the state of black America.

“Well, I’ve known Larry Elder for many years, and you know we had talked about it, and I just thought it was a good idea and agreed to do it,” said Carson.

“I knew how he felt that about how the way the black community was being duped and used, and really there haven’t been a lot of documentaries and other programs about that, and so much of it just buys into the progressive movement, and over the years they’ve been very assertive in the way that they’ve used black communities for their own purposes,” Carson added.


The film explores the use of Marxist tactics to infiltrate the lives of black Americans through progressive movements and organizations.

With the rise in popularity of black conservative commentators such as Candace Owens and Joel Patrick, Carson believes an avenue has opened up for younger black Americans to encounter and express conservative views.

“I think they’re already in the process of waking up,” said Carson.

“You know it used to be when I went to a conservative gathering, I might be the only black face there. Now there are a lot of black faces there, and I think people are really starting to think for themselves, and obviously, as people become more educated, it’s much more difficult to fool them,” Carson added.

Famed economist Thomas Sowell once said, “racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers, and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as ‘racists.'”

Uncle Tom 2 also dives headfirst into racism and how it has shaped, changed, and been used to manipulate black America.

Some Americans believed that with the election of the first African American President Barack Obama, America had finally dealt with its past of racism.

“I will tell you that it has dissipated very significantly just in my lifetime, but when I look at the massive changes that have occurred in our society, I remember as a 6-year-old going to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and seeing the colored and white drinking fountains,” he recalls.

“And now, in that same lifetime, you know black admirals and generals and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and heads of foundations, we’ve elected a black president twice. I mean, the changes are dramatic, and those people who say that things haven’t changed are just being very ignorant, and they don’t want to be observant, and they choose to believe a lie,” Carson continued.

“That doesn’t mean that we’ve reached nirvana by any stretch of the imagination. We still have a long way to go, but we’ve made enormous progress, and you know I don’t think racism is a big factor for most people,” he said.

These days, Dr. Carson is heading up the American Cornerstone Institute, a think tank that promotes common sense solutions to the issues facing our society.

When asked if he had any more political aspirations, Dr. Carson told The Dallas Express, “I really didn’t have any political aspirations in the beginning; it just worked out that way. I will always do it the Lord wants me to do I just hope it doesn’t involve that,” he concluded.

Uncle Tom 2 is now available for streaming and DVD format here.