An unidentified man reportedly attempted to enter a local North Texas elementary school Tuesday morning before he was ultimately arrested for alleged trespassing.

School officials at Caprock Elementary School in Keller reportedly informed parents of the incident in an email. The individual had allegedly tried to gain access to the school as students arrived in the morning by claiming he was a parent of a child attending Caprock.

The email reportedly stated that the man was denied entry to the building and was escorted off campus. Someone claiming to be the parent of a Caprock student stated on Facebook that they saw the man enter the campus, according to CBS 11.


The man managed to access the school entry vestibule but was not granted access to the school, WFAA reported.

Keller ISD and the Fort Worth Police Department had personnel on the scene in short order.

Police ended up taking the man into custody, arresting him for trespassing. According to the school email to parents, he was reportedly unarmed and did not appear intent on doing any harm.

“I want to first commend the work of our staff for keeping our campus secure,” stated Caprock Elementary Principal Amy Erb in a letter to parents, per WFAA.

“Keller ISD has security practices in place on every campus for situations such as this, and our staff did an exceptional job following these procedures and ensuring our campus is safe,” she continued.