A Denton County home had more than half a dozen family members added on June 8 when Chris and Jessica Milam adopted seven kids.

The children comprise two boys and five girls who are siblings. They had been split up and living in three separate foster care homes in Texas for over two years. Now, they can live in the same home once again.

Jessica told FOX 4 News that it was love at first sight for her as she knew the children were the ones for her and Chris from the moment she read their profiles.

“They loved animals, they loved to craft, they loved plants,” she said. According to Jessica, she and Chris had an empty house built to fill with kids.

The kids have multiple pets: one dog, two snakes, four cats, and one bearded dragon.

While the couple had planned to become adoptive parents, they did not intend to adopt so many. However, Jessica said that taking care of seven kids of different ages is made a little easier by the fact that she and Chris are self-employed.

Chris and Jessica said that the children were excited to join their family from the beginning.

“Can we just come home with you today? Can we just come today?” they asked when they first met with the couple, according to Jessica.

“They were trying to negotiate coming sooner and stuff. So, they were just so excited to really be together, but also to have parents that were just going to be their parents forever,” Jessica added.

Eight months later, the adoption became official, and the kids “finally” moved into their new home.

“It means we’re going to be there forever,” one of the children said. “We’re going to have a family to take care of us until we’re adults and can take care of ourselves.”