For most of the modern political era, American corporations and the Republican Party have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship. In contrast to the Democratic Party, the home of the modern left, the more free market philosophies of the Republican Party engendered the mostly tacit, but sometimes pronounced, support of America’s corporate elite and the managerial class. These corporate arbiters have always influenced culture, public policy discussions, and electoral politics.

The corporation could be counted alongside law enforcement, the military, and the church amongst the bedrock institutions of conservative ideology in our nation. However, over the last several decades, a leftist revolution has quieted taken control of the corporate boardroom and it is time for Republicans to reexamine their blind fidelity and closeness to the American Corporation.

Take AT&T for instance. AT&T is a company that has heavily invested in lobbying and campaign finance in Texas. They are a fixture at the state capitol and can be relied upon to write large checks from its Political Action Committee to candidates and officeholders on all sides of the political spectrum. With Republicans dominating Texas politics, GOP leaders have been the biggest beneficiaries of AT&T’s largesse. Governor Abbott, for instance, recently took in more than $90,000 from AT&T.

The telecom giant’s influence over the legislative and electoral process is significant. However, a peak behind the curtain reveals a company engaging in some of the most destructive and divisive elements of the American Left’s political and cultural agenda.

For example, AT&T forced its employees to take a “re-education” training rooted in Critical Race Theory to better understand how “whiteness” contributes to modern-day slavery. The “21-Day Racial Equity Habit Challenge” was chalk full of lessons on whiteness, claiming “white supremacy” is baked into our country’s foundation and that “whiteness is one of the biggest and most long-running scams ever perpetrated.” The so-called “Challenge” claims that white people are inherently racist and even white toddlers should be subjected to anti-racism training to combat their natural proclivity towards such evil.

The only thing not included in the “Challenge” was a Struggle Session for white employees; however, one can only imagine they are soon to follow in a Woke Corporation near you. Company-wide Zoom meeting. Start with your pronouns. Masks mandatory. And you damn well better struggle. Or else.

Jokes aside, the American Left has successfully infiltrated and taken over many cultural and economic institutions already. Public and higher education. The media. Even reliable pillars of traditional American values, as championed by conservatives and the Republican Party, have fallen victim to the encroachment of the left. Take the Boy Scouts. Even the Church. And now the American Corporation is under assault.

The question that Republican leaders need to be asking themselves is what are the consequences of this leftist revolution within the American Corporation? What does the future of American politics look like in the midst of “woke capitalism” virtue-signaling to the public at every turn? What of the armies of corporate employees being mired in leftist propaganda as a requirement of keeping their jobs?

Republicans must reevaluate their willingness to deliver policy wins for companies like AT&T so long as they propagate nefarious identity politics within their corporate culture. And they must resist the Twitter brigade, knuckle draggers who proclaim that conservative ideology on the sacrosanctity of the free market preclude Republicans from injecting the power of the state into corporate affairs. The state of Texas is sovereign. AT&T is not.

And if AT&T, and countless other corporations, want to advance leftist ideology than there should be clear consequences for doing so. Republicans: stop taking their money and start punishing them in the policy arena. And when they respond accordingly, a détente can be achieved.

Wake up, Republicans. Woke Corporations are here and they mean to replace you as fast as humanly possible.

 Mission: DFW is dedicated to exposing and holding woke corporations, politicians, journalists, and more accountable for pushing left-wing woke ideologies on the American people.