On May 18, the Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustees announced that Dr. Stephanie Elizalde was the lone finalist in the search for a new superintendent. 

According to the Dallas ISD press release, Dr. Elizalde was chosen unanimously and will now enter a 21-day waiting period. Once the waiting period is over, the board of trustees will be able to offer her a contract officially. 

Dr. Elizalde is currently the Austin ISD superintendent, but she spent time in Dallas ISD as the chief of school leadership before that. The press release states that she has spent time as a principal, deputy chief, teacher, and assistant superintendent. Dr. Elizalde is a third-generation educator and a native Texan.

According to the Dallas ISD trustees who spoke with Fox 4 News, Dr. Elizalde’s experience in Dallas played a part in offering her the position. 

“Dr. Elizalde has a long history with this district,” Trustee Joyce Foreman said, “I’ve worked with her in the past, and I look forward to working with her in the future.” 

Maxie Johnson, another trustee, also shared her excitement for Dr. Elizalde’s return to the district. 

“I’ve met Dr. Elizalde when we were protesting for equity at South Oak Cliff High School,” Johnson told Fox 4. “So, she’s known me as a pastor in the community, as a community activist, and now I work with her as a trustee. To see her come back after she has gained so much experience in two years at Austin ISD and after we know she was successful here as a chief of school leadership, she did a wonderful job. And so to have her as superintendent of schools is going to be great for our kids at Dallas ISD.”

Dr. Elizalde will replace Superintendent Dr. Michael Hinojosa, who announced that he would be stepping down. According to the district press release, Dr. Hinojosa spent 13 years serving Dallas ISD as the superintendent. He will remain as the emeritus superintendent until December, helping his successor transition into the position. 

The controversial Dr. Hinojosa is one of many North Texas superintendents to announce their retirement this year

If Dr. Elizalde is confirmed, she will become the second female superintendent in Dallas ISD history. 

According to the press release, the state requires the 21-day review period that Elizalde will go through. Once the waiting period is over, the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees is expected to extend an official offer.