Kertrina Dauway is on a mission to help others leave behind self-doubt and other limiting beliefs, just as she has learned to do in her own life.

Though Dauway grew up with many advantages in life, this did not automatically lead her to success. Dauway, like many people, found that she had to fight a battle within before she could find true happiness in life.

Dauway grew up in a disciplined yet affluent household. Her parents were highly educated and provided her with a good education. She attended a private school, began classical piano lessons at age 8, and led what some might describe as a sheltered life, free from the worries that affect many households.

Yet inside, Dauway was beleaguered with self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. Mistakes in life, coupled with a failed marriage, only deepened those feelings of low self-worth, leaving her feeling damaged and terrified.

However, with the support of a mentor and a good dose of self-determination, Dauway discovered “you can live again,” and now she is showing others how she accomplished it.

Dauway says a fellow church member helped her walk through a spiritual journey of healing and self-worth.

“They taught me how to forgive your past and write those things down. There’s a release and so much power in writing down what you’re going through and then forgiving those things you’ve written. Once you’ve forgiven those people and things you’ve written down, you tear it up. You’re releasing yourself from it. So [I used] those techniques. I did not go to a therapist; it was a spiritual journey,” explains Dauway.

“The bottom line to everything is getting that self-belief intact. Once I got that, I flew,” says Dauway. The newfound freedom allowed Dauway to let go of pride and ego, replacing them with humility and a drive to fight back.

“I had to come to terms with the fact that even though you make mistakes in life, you can’t hold yourself back. Why are we living in the past? You’ve got to live again,” says Dauway.

This affirmation became the foundation for her passion project, “You Can Live Again.”

In 2007, Dauway launched a magazine called You Can Live Again, which included cover stories by actress/comedian Sherri Shepard, who was hosting ABC’s The View at the time, and actress Neicy Nash.

Dauway was picked as the emcee for the House of Blues Gospel Brunch the following year. Things were looking bright, but Dauway had to put the magazine on hold in 2008 due to demands from the House of Blues.

“I made the decision to focus on House of Blues and go back to corporate America, and that’s when I became a business development consultant for American Express,” says Dauway.

Her time in corporate America revealed that, like her, the CEOs, executives, and other people she looked up to also struggled with self-doubt, anxiety, and inadequacy. Some of them confided in Dauway.

“I was still seeing where I could empower people because a lot of people were hurting … business owners, CEOs, and their wives were going through changes, and I said, ‘I’ve got to help people there.’ There were people whose kids had passed on, and I’d walk in to them sitting there crying. I felt the need to be in the field,” says Dauway.

In 2021, Dauway brought back the “You Can Live Again” concept in the form of two events, an awards brunch in May, and a gala held in October. Empowerment, wellness, and testimonials from an NFL panel were among the messages that encouraged and motivated attendees to let go of the constraints they had placed on themselves and live again.

Dauway is expanding the “You Can Live Again” concept with an expo on Saturday, May 21, at the Edison’s venue in downtown Dallas. Her goal is to help as many people as possible to overcome the fears and self-doubt that may be holding them back.

The event will feature:

  • Matthew Knowles, founder of Music World Film and TV and father of singer/actress Beyoncé;
  • Isaiah Stanback – NFL wide receiver, entrepreneur, mentor;
  • Jay Maymi – KLIF radio talk show host, CEO, author; and
  • David C. Williams – assistant VP of automation at AT&T, author.

For more information, visit the You Can Live Again website.

“I really want to encourage people to live again,” says Dauway. “No matter what they’re going through, or no matter what mistakes they’ve made.”