With just 33% of Americans approving of the job he is doing, U.S. President Joe Biden polled the lowest approval rating of his term.

A recent Quinnipiac University poll, released on April 13, reveals that 54% of Americans do not approve of the job done by Biden.

Among Democrats, 76% approve of the president, while only 13% disapprove. Republicans are overwhelmingly critical of Biden’s job performance, with 94% disapproving compared to 3% approval. Independents disapprove of Biden’s performance, with 56% disapproving versus 26% who approve.

In March, The Dallas Express reported Biden’s approval rating slipped to 40% in a separate NBC News poll, the lowest of his presidency and down from 43% in January. Meanwhile, 55% of respondents disapproved of the president in the March poll.

The March poll showed that Biden’s support has fallen among many vital demographic groups.

In the latest poll, only 39% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the Ukraine crisis. Most Americans believe the U.S. should do more to assist Ukraine, with 52% believing the administration should help Ukraine fight Russia.

According to the poll, roughly two-thirds of Americans (68%) believe the U.S. has a moral obligation to do more to stop the killing of civilians in Ukraine.

“The heartbreaking images from 4,000 miles away leave Americans with a longing to do more, for those fleeing the Russian onslaught, and for those staying to fight. But the moral outrage stops at the water’s edge when it comes to committing the U.S. military to the fight,” said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy.

According to the poll, more than 8 in 10 Americans (82%) believe Russian President Vladimir Putin is a war criminal, while 10% disagree.

Approximately 7 in 10 (71%) believe Putin ordered Russian troops to kill Ukrainian civilians, while 14% disagree.