Dallas’ Conspiracy Castle podcast host and city council meeting crasher Alex Stein appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on March 26. Toward the end of the segment, Stein asked Carlson if he would be willing to submit to a DNA test.

“Everybody says I’m ‘baby Tucker,’ so if you’re willing to submit to a DNA test and prove you’re not my father, I would appreciate that,” Stein grinned back at Tucker Carlson. “Because we’re both good-looking, we’re both funny. We might be related, and you’re my hero.”

Stein told The Dallas Express that people often thought he looked like the Fox News host. People that say that likely have never seen him in Number 99 Alex Stein mode.

Stein’s latest antics include sporting “Ukraine’s Foreign Legion” fatigues at Richardson County Council meeting, accompanied by theme music he brought for himself. He also wildly doused himself with hand sanitizer earlier this year while rapping for three minutes straight at a Dallas City Council meeting.

The resemblance claim was very reasonable on Friday night, side-by-side with Carlson on the television.

Stein gained notoriety across the country following his freestyle rap on the COVID-19 vaccine in front of the Dallas City Council in January.

“The reason why it triggers people on the left and the right so much is because they don’t know if it’s real or fake,” Stein told The Dallas Express.

Stein also told The Dallas Express about his possible aspirations to run for mayor of Dallas in opposition to current Mayor Eric Johnson. He stated plans of running on a “crazy plan” platform that would designate a portion of Dallas as a Red-Light District where the use of illicit drugs would be “legalized.”

“You know, obviously, the chances of me winning are very slim,” he said. “Our private prison industry is filled with nonviolent drug offenders; that’s not an accident. So, we have to change that whole idea of sacrificing all these young black men then forcing their kids to be raised without a dad because they smoked weed or because they, you know, did ecstasy.”

Carlson started Stein’s Friday night segment on his show with a video of Stein talking about COVID-19 killing off his housekeepers during the public comment portion of a Dallas City Council meeting.

“We got a vaccine mandate because right now I’m losing housekeepers left and right because listen, every time this service sends a housekeeper in my house, and they test positive for coronavirus,” Stein said during the meeting. “I can’t have them work around my kids. I have two trans kids in my house, both on puberty blockers.”

“You can watch a lot of those on YouTube,” Carlson said of Stein’s channel. “Spend an entire afternoon chuckling and learning.”

During the approximately six-minute interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Stein talked about a wide array of topics, including Child Protective Services, trauma-based mind control, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the mockingbird media, and how he was not on the show to “virtue signal.”

“I’m just saying I’m tired of being tinkled on and the government telling me it’s raining,” Stein said.

As for Tucker Carlson being Stein’s funny and humorous father, Carlson said he thought not.

“I don’t think I’m old enough,” Carlson said. “But I appreciate the compliment.”