Metrocare, the leading mental health and developmental disability services provider in Dallas County, recently signed an agreement with Holmusk, a global data-science and health technology company, to advance behavioral health care through analytics powered by artificial intelligence and digital solutions.

Metrocare serves over 55,000 adults and children annually from its North Texas headquarters, while Holmusk is headquartered in Singapore and New York. Holmusk is currently building the most extensive real-world evidence (RWE) platform in the world focused on behavioral health.

The chief medical officer at Holmusk, Scott Kollins, Ph.D., shared: “We are thrilled that Metrocare has chosen to work with us. This partnership with a trusted health system that touches so many lives will be transformative, as it will allow for the application of real-world evidence to drive insights for behavioral health care delivery. It will be a privilege to collaborate with Metrocare to increase our understanding of mental health conditions and—most importantly—to improve the care that is delivered to patients in Dallas and around the world.”

The chief executive officer at Metrocare, Dr. John W. Burruss, commented: “Metrocare and Holmusk share a vision that to achieve the most effective mental health intervention of our time requires robust analytics that drive outcomes. As the largest provider of behavioral health care in North Texas, predictive analytics allows us to be even more proactive in responding to our community’s needs and prioritizing patient care.”

The predictive analytics administered by Holmusk are uniquely accurate, founded on data that is updated daily to yield the most reliable and representative insights possible.

NeuroBlu, Holmusk’s flagship product, synthesizes real-world data (RWD) with analytics, enabling users to act based on comprehensive information. The company hopes to transform behavioral health by increasing patient engagement, encouraging disease self-management, and recording patient-reported outcomes to improve clinical approaches.

As a result of this strategic digital partnership, Metrocare will be able to further extend its goal to “provide the best and most comprehensive care to all of [its] neighbors” within Dallas and the greater North Texas community.