Scott Merryman, owner of a construction company in Kansas, has been charged for assassination threats against President Joe Biden after a series of threats he allegedly made over the days January 25 through January 27.

Merryman initially denied that Biden was the subject of the threats and the one being referred to as a serpent, but made it clear the threats were meant for Biden during his final call to the White House Switchboard.

According to the affidavit, on January 25 Merryman contacted the Independence Police Department of Kansas and told them he was on his way to see the President in Washington D.C. Greg Tiano, Special Agent/Senior Resident Agent (SRA) of Wichita, Kansas called him to talk about his claims.

On January 26, Merryman apparently told Tiano that God spoke to him and guided him to travel to D.C. to “lop off the head of the serpent in the heart of the nation.”

Merryman denied that he was referring to Biden, but reportedly stated God wanted him to give Biden information about the Book of Revelation. Tiano spoke with him later that day and confirmed that Merryman had every intention to get to the White House to attempt to see Biden.

Tiano contacted Tim Hackler, Secret Service’s Special Agent, and he stopped Merryman in Hagerstown, Maryland at Cracker Barrel in the parking lot. He told Hackler the same thing he told Tiano and denied once again that it was a direct threat towards the President.

When asked why he was going to the White House, Merryman apparently told Hackler that “he had to deliver a message to President Biden, and advise him that people were fed up with the divisiveness in the country and to turn back to God or go to hell,” the affidavit explained. During this conversation, he made many comments about being guided and armored by God.

Agents intercepted Merryman and a consent search was conducted. They did not find any weapons, but allegedly discovered a spotting scope in a backpack and a magazine on Merryman’s person loaded with three rounds of .45 ammunition. When asked about the bullets, Merryman stated that God told him to bring those along but provided no further detail. Hackler told the man to stay away from D.C.

Later in the day, Merryman called Tiano once more and reportedly said, “I have a bullet with your name on it,” angry that Tiano had sent agents to stop him.

Merryman posted on Facebook several times between January 25 and January 27, writing about his “God led journey” to Washington D.C. In his posts he refers Tiano to “Lucifer” and to the other agents as the “agents of darkness.”

In another post, he stated, “I believe Joe Biden is the AntiChrist now and he will suffer a fatal head wound.”

There were multiple threats throughout his writings, including statements where he claimed he would jump the fence of the White House and get to Biden.

The final straw came when Merryman contacted the White House Switchboard on January 27 with direct threats to the President. He allegedly told an agent on the phone: “I’m coming for [expleteives] sleepy Joe. I’m talking about President Biden and you can quote me.”; “I’m coming with three bullets no guns. I am now coming by myself.”; You got two minutes, then I’m coming…”